Chapter 5

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Narrator: Mr. Alois

Chapter 5

Ember skipped into the building, smiling. Her carefree attitude was why I liked her but it also got me into trouble. Case and point her bumping into Ms.Martha.

"I'm sorry!" Ember squeaked.

"It's ok, I was just thinking about something," Ms.Martha responded.

"Ember, you know that your mother wants to see you," she added.

"Oh silly me, I forgot about practice," Ember responded.

"Alois, wait with her in the library," Ms.Martha said.

"Ok..." I grumbled.

Ember knew how to get under people's skin. Before long, we arrived at the library. That's when I heard gunshots. I turned around to see a guy holding a gun. I recognized him as one of Ember's jilted exes.

"Run away," she told me.

"I-" I began.

"You have to, I'll hold him off," Ember said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Run!" Ember screeched.

That was the last time I saw her as the doors closed. A blue mist swirled inside and I went back in after it went away. Ember was missing and the shooter was lying on the floor stunned. In the end, Ember was gone. Several others had been wounded or killed. The guy only served a year in an asylum for his crimes and Ms. Martha has regretted that day ever since...

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