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"Empathize with the feelings
of others."


When your fellow writers are in trouble, despair or even failure from a particular contest or book submission, do not ridicule them. Instead, sympathize with their feelings. Throw cheerful words rather than discouraging ones. We do not know what they have been going through, until we walk a mile in their shoes. On the other hand, if your fellow writers had achieved something, rejoice also with them. Be glad truly. Praise them without sneering. God is watching us, how we deal with others' emotions. The Scripture reminds us, "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." (Romans 12:15)

Looking towards somebody else's success without envy is pleasing to the eyes of the Lord. Meanwhile, your authentic, kind words can brighten someone's bad day. Empathize rather than criticize.

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