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"Do not judge a book nor fellow
writers quickly."


As readers, it is easy for us to jump into judgment upon taking a single glance of a book cover, title, blurb or first chapter from our fellow writers' works. But I tell you, it is necessary to read a certain book completely before you draw a conclusion. Do not stop right there at your presumption. Rejection might start after you saw a violent, dark-themed or explicit book cover, an uncatchy blurb, a cliché title, or a boring or vulgar first chapter. I dare you to go through the following chapters until the end. There you may find out significant, moral lessons that the writer is trying to convey to his/her readers. Know the whole story. Additionally, it is also easy for us to incorporate a writer to his corresponding works. As what Sijeyjoy posted on Facebook, "Don't judge a book by its cover, by its story description, by its prologue, by its first chapters. Judge the story after reading a whole story."

To add, the Bible clearly tells us, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." - Matthew 7:1-2

Be careful not to judge any book neither fellow writers swiftly. We should mind and remove our spots first before theirs. Always remember the golden rule!

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