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"Avoid taking fellow writers for


A familiar scheme on Wattpad which is the follow-to-follow is common to this. After a few hours or days, you'll be saddened as you know that the one whom you have dealt with is now unfollowing you. Unfair right? Another thing is when some writers are trying to get close to a famous or other rising authors, but all of a sudden they will disappear like bubbles; after they get their needed information. The golden rule always applies to any circumstance, at any given time. Let us be reminded that what goes around, comes around. If you believe that accumulating thousands of followers by cheating will make you look great, then you are wrong; it will lead you only to nothingness and desperation. If we can fool other people, but God will not ever be. He is just, as the Psalmist says, "The strength of the King loves justice; You have established equity; You have executed justice and righteousness in Jacob."

Be pleasant to everyone — popular writers or not. Treat each other fairly with due respect.
The seed of kindness and sincerity that you are planting now will be a ripe fruit of success and genuine happiness in the coming days. Same goes with the seed of inequality that you are sowing today, you will also reap mistreatment tomorrow. Do not take other writers for granted.

SELFLESS PURSUITOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora