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"Acknowledge God for the talent you
have received."


The first step to enhance your talent in writing is to recognize its source. Thus, primarily, expressing our gratitude to God as the Giver of Talents is essential. Meekness does not equate weakness. But humility will lead us to success; letting God to use us for whatever purpose we may serve. Sometimes we tend to forget, and we own these gifts. Worse comes to worst, we look down on other writers as we view ourselves superior and more knowledgeable than them. Remember, we are all stewards of everything that we have right now. The fact is we are born into this earth with nothing. Boastfulness precedes dishonor. As the book of Proverbs tells us, "Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom."

Stay humble. Acknowledge and thank the Father for all the abilities that you are capable of.

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