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"Aim for the best."


Putting your heart in writing is significant. Make it a habbit to give your best shot in every piece that you are crafting. Learning never stops. So read a lot, write a lot, do research regarding your plot, characters and setting, learn from fellow writers who regularly share tips on writing and watch videos on how to improve your skill. These are some ways to scribble better. Additionally, if you have friends with common interest or field, let them read your works and ask their honest opinion. It is also essential to pray to have an open mind and heart, so  as to accept constructive criticisms. As the saying goes, "Do your best and God will do the rest." And in the book of Rick Warren, he says, "Don't settle for a half-developed gift."

Devoting our time and effort onto some thing that we love produces utmost result; thus avoiding regret afterwards. Always give your best in writing.

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