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"Know your strength in writing. Do not resist; rather dwell on it."


When you have the vocation of writing, you will just discover it unknowingly. Upon knowing, that is the time that you will either accept it or reject it. In writing, there are many genres that you can explore to. It is vital to know your strength — from what field do you excel, from what area do you feel pleasurable when scribbling. Sometimes, we oppose to what makes us productive and forcing to do what's hard; following the path which is not designed for us. We should mind this principle that the more we resist to the flow, the more we become tedious. And eventually, tiresome and boredom will bring us to cessation. Picture out a plant being transferred frequently from one pot to the other. That plant will either wither or die. Too much hopping from one genre to another could make us weaker, leading to sudden fall.

There is nothing wrong with versatility. What matters most is we must root firmly to whatever God has shaped us, so that we will grow sturdy and bear fruitfully.

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