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"Set your writing goals and focus
on them."


Writing without a goal is like sailing without a course. Having a vision will bring us into motion. Examine yourself first why are you writing. Is it because you want to be famous? To get attention? To express your feelings? To educate? To inspire? Or to earn a living? After you know your purpose, focus on it. Distractions are elsewhere. For instance, we are conscious of the reads and ended consumed looking for readers. Another thing is we become disappointed if we receive criticisms, or we are busy on stuffs that are not susceptible to productivity and other factors. Want to finish a story? Then focus on how to write properly and improve your skill on the first hand. Received a criticism? Then use it as a bullet to aim the target so-called "success". Saw other writers who are victorious? Then make it as a drive that someday you can be an achiever too.

Know your objectives in writing, and keep your eyes focused on them.

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