*reality show walk* hiiiiiiiii

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so. it's been awhile, and you might be thinking I'm a liar and a snake, but you're WRONG. I am BACK, BABY. the brain gremlins cry for magnus chase content, and I am at the writing ability and mental capacity to provide that.

I am not going to delete the old chapters, so they'll stay if that's what you want, but I am currently working on a re-write! that's right folks, we are doing this again but better! roles will be swapped around so that pacing and characterization can improve, as well as some rules of the universe, but you'll find out what I mean when I start publishing again! it may be a while still so that I can get lots of it done before publishing, but I thought I'd pop in to say hi and reassure y'all that I am hard at work around my little writer's cauldron (cryptic laughter and strange ingredients included).

so, here's to progress, and hoping to see you all again soon <3

p.s. I have been reading your all's comments and they make me go 💖💖💖💖 every time so enjoy the drawing of magbis at the top!

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