Dinner Can Suck A- Wait I Can't Say That

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Magnus POV

Fuck, who is that?

Well, whoever that was has now seen me mostly naked. Great. Just exactly what I need. Some rando knowing what I look like in a towel.

I dig through my stuff to find my one clean shirt and pair of pants. I washed those before leaving that last place they trapped me and haven't worn them so that they wouldn't smell as appalling as the rest of my clothes, and yes, appalling is the right word.

I pull them on and go into the bathroom to find the mystery person waiting impatiently.

"Come on. I was supposed to get you for dinner and if I don't come back soon riots will start."

He-no-she-no-wait. Let's just say they for now. They grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me down the hallway and the stairs which I didn't think was very safe, but they didn't seem to care.

"Alex Fierro. She/her until I say otherwise."

Oh so I'm being dragged down the stairs by a girl. That makes such a difference. (A/N sarcasm if you couldn't tell)

"um, okay. Nice to meet you I guess. Why is dinner so urgent?"

She stopped and let go of my shirt in the hallway near the dining room. It was a nice hallway to be drug down, if you ignore the creeping feeling of antiquity and the walls crashing in around you.

"A) cut the snark. Usually I'm all for this, but it gets you nowhere here. B) We can't eat dinner until everyone is seated, so never be late unless you want everyone here to hate you."

She pushed me into a dining room with about 4 other kids there, most of them looking about my age, except for a little kid who won't stop moving. They all glared daggers at me as I sat down at the only empty chair.

"Now let us say grace" said a middle aged woman at the head of the table with a faint trace of some kind of accent.

Well this is awkward. Why would an Atheist pray to a god they don't think exists? I pretend to pray but am actually just thinking about the food and hoping that it's good.

"Why don't we all go around and introduce ourselves to our newest resident? I am Hera Bridgeton, and I own and run this home" I noticed as she spoke the blood red liquid sloshing in her cup, and her slightly slurred speech. This may complicate things.

Everyone goes around introducing each other but I don't pay much attention but to try to remember names. Mallory, a redhead who is presently giving me a scary glare; Halfborn, who looks like a giant; Thomas Jefferson Jr., who just goes by TJ, though; and the hyperactive seeming little kid is Jack who has yet to stop moving. It's almost mesmerizing. 

The only thing keeping my attention better than the ever moving little kid is Alex. My eyes seem to naturally slide to her like art in a boring room. Full of energy and movement and color. Her eyes were two different hues of brown, but for how different they seemed they could be opposites. One was soft and hazel, and the other was dark and unforgiving. Her hair was short and was bouncy curly as if it had a mind of it's own. But what cemented in my mind Alex's hair was probably magical, was that it was a bright poisonous green. Everything was about her was entrancing.

Wait what the hell happened there? "entrancing"?

Get a hold of yourself Chase geez.

It finally came around to Alex and she said something that made me choke on absolutely nothing,

"I'm Alex Fierro, and I'm 16 same as you. Bet you're happy I'm not too young, eh, Lover Boy?" and, as if this wasn't enough, she added "Don't think I didn't catch you staring."

Everyone laughed their asses off as I felt myself blush a bright red from the collar of my shirt to the roots of my hair. All because of Alex. Gods we've met once and had 2 conversations and she's already ruining my plans to leave.

After arguably the most awkward half hour of my life, we were all dismissed from the table. It's not like I didn't TRY to talk to other people. Okay it is. In my defense, people suck and everyone was already upset with me for holding up dinner and so no one talked to me.

We all moved down the long, suffocating hallways filled with useless ancient bric-a-brac and up the stairs to my room.

I thought I was done, but then I heard a female voice floating up the stairs, calling my name and found I wasn't.

Coming into my room I wondered for the thousandth the words that sum up my life,

Why does everything happen to me?


(A/N: these are so tiny like what? this one was a grand total of 800 words without the authors note. Anyways... bet y'all can guess what be going on up in these hallways whose decor was approved by Umbitch herself and you probably hate me for it. I'm evil. I know. ANYWAY until next time, my doods. Byeeeeeeee)

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