Something Happens? don't ask me idk

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(Hey look I made a crappy mood board. I'm still doing this stuff in Pic-collage bc I don't have anything else. IMPORTANT!! Brief, minor mention of being suicidal towards the end of the chapter.)

Alex POV

I watched Sam and Magnus wade their way through the crowds, Sam's hijab sticking out and Magnus' head sticking above the crowd. I hoped they didn't encounter any... inconveniences.

"You guys were flirting so much. It was totally hilarious. Your eyes never left each other's face once." TJ burst out as soon as we deemed them out of earshot.

"We WeReN't FlIrTiNg Tj!" I don't know why he thought we were! His last name was something worth noting!
"You so were! It was like watching Mallory and Halfborn over again!" He exclaimed.
"We were not that flirty!" Mallory defended.
"Yes, you were." TJ and I chorused.

I remember it like yesterday. I mean they only got together *officially* a week ago, but as long as I lived in that house there had been romantic tension. They would fight endlessly over stupid things, and sometimes they would even get violent, but things never got out of hand, and more importantly, Mrs. Bridgeton never found out. She would've ripped them a new one faster than you could say "lovebirds".

Before I knew it, I had lost track of the conversation, and as it was about homework I really didn't care. I pulled out a book I had been reading lately, and got lost in another world. Books always take me away, away from the cold disappointment of reality, to rich worlds where the hero actually wins. Where anyone can be anything, anywhere. This time I was reading about peculiar people who called themselves gods. 

I've only ever loved three things. 1) pottery 2) nature 3) books. The way I saw it, love is for children and hormonal teenagers. Love had never served my parents well. Or me, for that matter. 

Love is all well and good for people who can stand it. I have yet however, to figure out what to do with Love. I've tried everything, destroying it, cutting ties with the other person, even pursuing it. Nothing has ever worked out.

The bell that sounded was an artificial sound clip, in an attempt to pay homage to when this school was new, beautiful, and premier. The actual effect though, is similar to a washed up celebrity trying relive their fame in Las Vegas. Sad, disappointing, and embarrassing to behold.

"You guys are not helping. I just want to know what defines a 'casserole'!" I tuned in to hear Halfborn practically shout as he gestured wildly.
"It'S a ViBe!" TJ responded equally frantically. "You've just got to know it's a casserole. You look at it and go 'casserole.' and that's what it is!"
"You fucking illiterates. A casserole requires a saucy element, a carbohydrate element, and a topping." I just had to correct them because, Oh my god how could they not know what a casserole is.
"Alex can talk you guys! It's a miracle!" TJ marveled. 
"Shut the fuck up, TJ."

Though, Halfborn was not going to be deterred by my return to their conversations, He Needed Answers.
"So does that mean I could put stew in a pan in the oven and call it a casserole???"
"I mean you could, but it would make you a menace to society, not someone who just made a casserole." Mallory said from his far-right side.
"ThIs MaKeS nO sEnSe???"
"Since when has America made since?" And TJ had point, so they moved on while I once again disengaged from their idoitic discussions.

A fight was going on to my left, I couldn't see it, but I heard chanting and saw a crowd. A few seconds later, the fight seemed to begin in earnest, judging by the cheers and shouting. I paused, curious to see a bit. Though, the fight didn't last much longer because I heard a chorus of "OH"'s and an "aight Imma head out" before a flash of black clothes and blonde hair went flying out of the circle, and not a moment too soon. An administrator came around to see the commotion, but all that was left was a considerably smaller crowd and a guy on the ground sporting a bruised jaw curled up holding his nuts. 

We all somehow got study hall together, and so we always go to the library and sit in the comfortable chairs there. Sometimes we do school work. Sometimes. I made no hurry to get to the library, and found them all there with their stuff already spread out. Guess today they decided to be *productive*. I sat down and nobody asked where I went. That's just how it is. We don't obsess over each other's safety.

About 10 minutes into study hall, Magnus and Samirah walked in. Magnus' formerly bloody nose was now bruised, but not broken. For some reason I was especially glad his nose was not broken. Weird. They sat down in silence, Sam's silence was aloof and annoyed, and Magnus' tired.

"I thought that we had finally gotten someone with at least one brain cell, but apparently I was wrong. Magnus, why don't you tell the class what you did?" She said with a fake smile.
"Sure Ms. Samirah. I had a conversation with fists. It was very educational. I learned the bullies here are slow and can't kick for shit. Very important." He finished his statement with a nod.
"Another fight, Magnus? Jesus Christ not even I managed that." I was shocked he was so... violent. The few days I had known him, he had seemed indifferent and sarcastic, but not violent. But then again, the bullies here hate when victims talk back. And that is what Magnus seemed to be a master of.
"Exactly like that." He said, seemingly unperturbed by this. 

This caught the other three's attention.
"Wait Magnus you got into two fights? Are you like, suicidal or something?" Mallory also seemed shocked at this. I think anyone would be.
"A while ago but not anymore, no." 


Hold up a second.


"You've been suicidal before?" I asked.

Time slowed down. A part of me hoped he was joking.

His face went so pale it was almost translucent.

"Did I say that? oops. Um... maybe... uh... not now? Like, later Alex?"

I was scared of that.

"Later, but that doesn't mean you're escaping this. I would be kind of annoyed if you died."

We were silent until the sad, meek bell rang.

It had never before seemed such an appropriate sound.

(A/N: woah haha that happened. It's part of the story now btw. I feel so bad about the short, inconsistent updates. I will continue to write Angsty!Magnus because I can't find anyone that writes him like this. I'm starting a revolution doods. A R e v o l u t i o n . Finally, who wants to appreciate Hephaestus. He's like,,,, the only god less problematic than Hades. He just wants to be happy and accepted but nOoO. I want more Angsty!Magnus and Hephaestus appreciation. That got away from me like always. Anyways, au revoir Chili Babies! :))))))

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