Fighting and More Birds (they won't stop!)

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Magnus POV

"WHO THE HEL ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THIS KITCHEN?!" Alex yelled at me, holding a knife surprisingly well.

"We should probably stop starting our conversations with shouting. I really hope I'm not THAT forgettable." It flew out of my mouth without thinking, and I realized as soon as I said the words, it was probably not good to annoy someone with a knife. I intended to be, I don't know, not bad at people-ing as I normally am, but failed miserably. The words rushed out in one very long sigh


"Oh. I still don't feel bad for pulling a knife on you though. This is Boston and you scared the shit out of me."

Alex put the knife back into the knife block with a satisfying shink and turned to face me. I couldn't help but notice how pretty she looked in the warm mid-day light coming through the dirty windows. The buttery light made her look like she had a crown sitting on her head. The light turned her hair to bright green fire. It seemed right, with Alex's sharp and regal features. Her eyes shone like bits of precious metals. I blushed and looked away as I realized I was staring and the silence got cold and awkward.

Out of the corner of my I saw Alex putting on an apron, but I was more focused on a pot with a particularly tough spot. Dam understirred pasta. Alex joined me, but as I was washing the pot I accidentally splashed Alex. She quickly retaliated with a smirk and even bigger splash. Two can play at that game. I gave an even bigger splash and Alex splashed me with a wave so big, it got on my shirt.

"Oh, this means War." I said, looking into Alex's heterochromatic eyes.

I dipped my hands into the soapy water and chucked it at her, she seemed to have the same thought at the same time, because she chucked a bunch of dirty water at me, but I managed to partially dodge, and it got on my pants only a little. She looked affronted that she was wetter than me and began chasing me around with a wet sponge. We raced around the decently sized kitchen, barely dodging obstacles as we tried to soak each other.

(A/N I tried my best to avoid saying 'wet' despite this being a WATER FIGHT because this is Wattpad. I failed. I'm not even gonna tell people to not make jokes because I would want to, too)

We heard footsteps and shared a look, moving quickly as possible on the slippery floors back to the sink. We started scrubbing again as soon as Ms. Bridgeton stepped in, a look of distaste on her face. I prayed to every god I could think that nothing had gotten wet.

"Why is my stand mixer wet? More importantly, why are you two soaked?" She called from... halfway across the room.

"We were getting it wet because we were about to scrub it down." Alex lied, it was disconcertingly easy how she lied. "We just got wet from the water splashing up as we scrubbed some of the pots and pans"

"Why does Magnus have water on his pants?"

"It dripped down the front of the cabinets and some go onto my legs. I cleaned it up." I couldn't let Alex have all the fun of lying to someone dangerous.

"Okay, but Magnus, honey, why are you helping Alex? this is her punishment." I noticed my throat seemed to be closing up, and chest getting tight.

Oh not now. Just a few minutes. Just a few more minutes.

"I-um also was shouting and I didn't wake her up, though I probably should've so I figured it was partially my fault and I should share the punishment."

"That's... sweet." She looked like she wanted dearly to say something different. "You didn't have to though, this was for Alex. Together, alone in a kitchen people might think you're..." she sneered slightly on the last two words "up to something."

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