The Bus is Terrible *vehement nodding*

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(I made a thing)

Alex POV

That was Awkward.
I was kind of glad Magnus broke the tension so that I wouldn't have to sound like an idiot. It's okay for him, we already know he's an idiot.

Today I decide to have a winter *aesthetic* and wear a pink and green flannel shirt and dark green straight leg jeans, and of course, my rose high tops. (I love clothes so shut mouth about all the clothes descriptions I have an issue I know)

I went downstairs toward the dining room, rushing to hopefully beat TJ. For some reason that continues to elude me, he always wakes up at o'dark thirty. He says it's to prepare for the military, but this is what confuses me, still, WHY SO EARLY?

Looking in the dining room, no one is there so I get first pick of food (HA!). That is, until Magnus walks in and asks me for directions to the sitting room. The whole time he was blushing lightly and fidgeting with the hem of his hoodie while also avoiding eye contact. It was hilarious to watch, frankly. I agreed to his mighty quest because, honestly, why the hel not? But while I'm gone if anyone steals my eggo waffles both they and Magnus are dead.

As he follows me, he continues to fidget with the slightly freyed (geddit? okay I'll leave now) hem of his black hoodie. As we walk, I feel a slight shift and feel definitely female (sorry about all the A/N's but I am not genderfluid, and I do not know what it is like, so if I get it wrong, and you are genderfluid, feel free to correct me! I will change the story if it is wrong.), so I stop to clarify that. He looks up startled at the sudden stop and almost bumps into me.

"She/her now"

Now, I have not been here the longest, but I feel the need to help out a fellow newbie, because Ms. Bridgeton is a motherfuck. Trying to take his mind off of it is all I can do, it's what the other person who was in that room did for me when I was new.

"Go get'em Bird Boi" I was not done though, in my goals of distraction, because he still seemed a bit tense. So, I did the thing that would ensure his distraction

I winked.

The effect was instantaneous and very funny. I had to stifle laughter as I turned away leaving him to stand there gaping, his face as red as a setting sun. I didn't see anything else, as my back was to him, but after about 20 seconds I heard the door creak closed. Hopefully I achieved my goal.

Luckily when I got there my waffles were still there, so no murders would be committed. Soon before leaving, Halfborn came in and shoved 2 sausages and a whole boiled egg in his mouth (did he peel it...? I don't remember). It was amazing and amazingly disgusting at the same time to see.

Grabbing my bag off the coat hook in the hall, I walk out the front door towards the bus stop. I didn't do much of my homework over the weekend, so I guess my teachers will have to deal with the fact that TikTok is a higher priority than their assignments.

My thoughts were disrupted when I saw a bored and disgruntled looking Magnus. Wait, on second thought that's not weird; he always looks bored and disgruntled. I guess what caught my attention was the full, beaten up, hiking backpack.
Wait, is he leaving? I mean, I don't blame him, but why?

"Going somewhere?"
"Yeah. School." he sounded so happy about it.
"Wow, the hag really enrolled you then? She must really want you gone."
"Well... actually... I've almost missed going to school. Obviously not ignorant dickheads and manipulative bullies and whispers behind your back, but the library, learning new things every day. Not always annoying teachers though..."
"I think this is the first time I have met anyone as truly and deeply nerdy as you."
"Not sure whether that's an insult or a compliment."
"Both. So you basically want school without the people?"
"Yeah, pretty much. Except maybe present company excluded."

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