Birds and Breakfast Both Need to just f off

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(A/N: poetic title, no?)

Alex POV

I heard Ms. Bridgeton's voice quietly calling Magnus' name, and I heard him heading down the stairs to find her, but I heard nothing else. Not even a yip. I was surprised, either she was being nice (an unprecedented event) or New Kid was tougher than I thought. He came back up the stairs 10 minutes later, and his door closed.

I was going to take a shower but I guess New Kid might need stuff from the bathroom. It's where all the bandaids and burn patches are. There goes the quiet trickle of the tap... aaaaand he's gone. His exit from the bathroom was signaled by a closing door. NOW I can take a shower.

I went in there and turned on the water to let it heat up and as that happened I looked at the counter, noting a package of bandaids out. I have no idea why on earth he chose Scooby-Doo bandaids when we have normal ones. Scratch that, I do. Scooby-Doo is sick as fucc, that's why. I put them away because apparently New Kid can't.

When the water is hot enough, I step into the shower to notice the shower head has been adjusted, and I'm too short to reach it to adjust it back.

Dammit New Kid. He's just too fuccing tall. And rude.

As the water washes over me and I begin to wonder why I was so curious about whether New Kid was alright. Probably just my rare glimmer of empathy (crazy right? I know, nuts.).

Finally at midnight after showering and looking at my social media again, I go to bed.

Only to be rudely awakened by some FUCKING BIRDS in the morning. It's Saturday, these birds are rude as hell. I finally wake up enough to stumble to my window and throw it open. I'll see if they like a taste of their own medicine.

(A/N: and here we enter what was written when I was tired and more inarticulate than normal and subsequently cuss A LOT this is what is FILTERED, okay?)


"aww they're leaving. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU YELLING AT THE BIRDS?" The first part was quieter, as if whoever was talking didn't want it to be heard. I looked over to find the other person, only to be greeted by none other than New Kid glaring daggers at me. "Why (since you haven't answered my question) are you yelling at BIRDS?"

"Well they woke me up, so I had to tell them to fuck off, like I do to anything that wakes me up."

"It's 11am Alex, maybe your circadian rhythm woke you up?" I would've had a retort but just as I opened my mouth the impact of his words hit me like a freight train


"What is wrong now?"


"aaawwwww crap."

I ducked out of my window and slammed it. I was practically sprinting to the bathroom. Lucky my room is small. If she isn't already angry about breakfast, she'll definitely be in a high tiff about lunch, too. I brushed my hair and teeth and washed my face at lightning speed. My hair still looks like crap but I can fix it later maybe.

I put little focus and effort into my outfit. I grabbed the nearest items and put them on, not even realizing I'd grabbed a white button down shirt and pink jeans until they were on and I had no time to correct my mistake. Such a boring outfit. But hey, sometimes sacrifices just have to be made.

I ran out of my room, running at top speed down the hallway, not even checking for New Kid. I make my way through the doorway as the hideously garish cuckoo clock chimes at 11:30. Normally I wouldn't care but it's Saturday lunch, and she likes us to "bond" on Saturdays.

I plop down in the only empty seat left, one between Ms. Bridgeton and New Kid. Great. They're both tense. New Kid is nervous and Ms. Bridgeton has waves of anger rushing off of her.

"Well since we're all finally here," she gave me a dark glare "we can start our meal after saying grace"

Then she began giving a prayer so long it was almost a sermon. I couldn't take it seriously because she kept on talking about "sweet innocent little baby jesus" (A/N: I love that movie I'm sorry I had to). Another thing to build community that she does, is that she makes us hold hands. It's unsanitary and weird. My body is covered in a crawling sensation like every time someone touches me, regardless of the fact that New Kids hands are clammy and Ms. Bridgeton's are icy cold.

Finally after about a million years, she stopped and immediately turned to me while everyone else was serving themselves. Rude.

"So, Alex honey," I want to correct her because I hate it when she calls me honey. I think it's why she does it. "would you care to explain why you were using such vulgar language on the birds this morning?" She said it in her dangerously sweet and honeyed words. When she was like this I was walking on eggshells, no, glass, with everything I said.

"Well, I was woken up by them and was rather annoyed and only half awake, which is why I was so profane. I understand this is unacceptable and apologize Ms. Bridgeton."

New Kid looked at me with question in his eyes, no doubt about my amazing shoe-licking skills.

"Well, I don't understand how you were still asleep, but I will let you off with kitchen duty and an apology to Magnus here."

What? Why would I say sorry to him? He didn't wake me up, and he yelled back.

"With all due respect Ms. Bridgeton, why would I apologize to Magnus?"

She smiled in way that looked innocent, but to me looked as evil as lime green and purple does to disney.

"Well, Magnus here was having quite a conversation with the birds on his windowsill."

He looked mortified. That was the word for the look on his face. He was completely still and staring straight ahead, blushed from his collar into his hair. He only moved to look down into his lap and quietly say "It's okay Ms. Bridgeton. She doesn't have to apologize."

"That's sweet. He's already forgiven you. Well, you still have kitchen duty for punishment."

And with that she turned away and began getting food.

Great. Fantastic. Lovely. Cleaning the whole kitchen on my own on a Saturday.

I hadn't thought about how silent it had been in the room until everyone started talking again. I turned to Mallory and we ripped on an obnoxious amount of homework we'd been given by a teacher until it died down and I turned to New Kid.

"So, New Kid. What were you and the birds talking about? It certainly had Ms. Bridgeton amused."

He didn't respond, simply glaring fiercely at me. I just waited. The little stand off lasted for 2 minutes of me staring at him as he glared at me. I took this as a bit of time to notice more about his face. He looked familiar but not, like a face I knew well but slightly off. He had a black eyebrow piercing and dark circles around his eyes as if he doesn't get much sleep.

"I was talking to them about a book I'm reading." he spat.

"Oh? I'm sure it was very intelligent, what with their chirping and your comments. What book?"

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. How Dumbledore seems to have an amazing and slightly unrealistic measure of everyone's mindworkings and Juvenile and Pyschopathic minds."

"I love those books! I've never really thought about that..."

"It's crazy right?-" and with that he was off and running, his eyes bright and hands flying. We talked for almost all of lunch, until Jack and I got into an argument and with that our book club concluded, making way for a very important argument about sporks.

I made my way into the kitchen with some of the dishes, only to notice someone already in there washing dishes. I did the reasonable thing. I yelled "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN HERE?"

What it's Boston it could be anyone? Right?

(A/N: And boom when you thought I couldn't get any meaner, I do. Sorry for taking so long to update, and in my sorriness you guys get double updates. ANYWAYS hope you've had a nice day or night or morning. Peace out Chili Babies.)

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