the second most dreaded A/N

538 11 19

Guess we ought to peel the bandaid off, eh?

I'm going on hiatus with this book.

It's not because it hasn't gotten love and support, I just... need to get it together?
It's not all that good, and if I continue it will only get worse. At this point, trying to write this is almost a chore and I know that shows and I don't want to do that to you lovely people who decided to take a chance on this fic.

I will continue to write and edit while on hiatus, I'm not done with this idea. I pinky promise (and you know how binding pinky promises are). I may do a rewrite book since there is SO much room for improvement on this fic, but believe me,
this is only a semicolon.
It may be a while before I go off hiatus, I plan to write the whole thing before posting again, so there's that.

Finally, thank you all SO MUCH for like, doing your thing. Reading, voting, commenting.
THANK YOU!! ×100000
This got so much more than I ever expected. I remember being like "lol what if I got 100 reads what wild" and then it just kept going up and up and we're almost at 1000!
So thank you!
You guys interacting with this makes my day every dam time.

So, not "good bye, Chili Babies", but

See ya later, alligators.

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