Apologies Are Weird

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(A/N: writing this with weird things happening to my vision! Fun! It's like when you stare at something too bright or your blood rushes to your head and you get the fuzzy lines and bright spots across your vision. I can see to type this but there may be some mistakes I literally could not see with my eyes so sorryyyyy)

Alex PoV

The day after the Dish Incident, I heard a shout from the room to my right of "BIRDS ARE FRIENDS NOT FOOD".
What the hel New Kid?

I poke my head out the window to see an arm come out, shooing away a very large bird. I poked my head out a little further and was greeted with the sight of New Kid talking to the birds again. This time he just sat there, listening to the chirps occasionally responding with stuff like "Oh really?" and "That's not good".
He looked like a Disney princess, a very odd Disney Princess. (A/N that is technically trademarked, Disney being capitalist pigs, trademarked USING the term so I guess because I referenced a pop-culture term a huge company has trademarked, I have to say that all rights to Disney Princess' goes to Disney so I don't get sued for not doing my disclaimers. suck a cuck disney. but whatever.)

This was only reinforced by the aesthetic lighting of the sunset. It shone on his hair, making it look like red-hot gold. His silver eyes sparkled with energy and joy at whatever the bird was talking about. Speaking of the bird, it was a Sparrow.

The most princess-y bird of all.

I had to carefully stifle my laughter and pull my head so that he wouldn't notice me watching him. But of course I couldn't keep this to myself, I had to share it.
I quietly went down the hallway telling everybody about it and we tiptoed out into the backyard. When we got out there, Ms. Bridgeton was already watching with a small smile on her face. For once she didn't have a drink. We watched it for a long time, and I was glad I had on a sweater, since it was getting kind of cold. We waited a while for him to notice, but he only looked down when TJ coughed.
"TJ!"  I whisper yelled, but was secretly grateful since November in Boston is cold, especially at sunset.

He looked down and saw us. He whispered something to the birds which then flew away. He glared at us for a few moments, I mean, I couldn't really see his face that well, but I could feel it down here. He had a wimpy death glare, I didn't even want to piss my pants.
He called down in a voice barely loud enough to be heard, and even then just because of the sudden, plot convenient quiet. "Did you enjoy the show?"

Yes, yes I did. It was quite fun seeing Mr. Scary Loner looking like a princess.

For a split second multiple emotions flashed across his face, surprise, overtaken by annoyance, and finally resignation before becoming devoid of emotion. 
I ask yet again tonight, what the hel New Kid?

"Yeah? Great. It's over. Goodnight."

Jack said, probably a little loudly, "I think he's upset."

"No shit sherlock how'd you figure that?" Mallory snapped in response.

"You might want to apologize to him ya know at some point." TJ said. He thinks I don't notice the heart-eyes he's been making at New Kid. 

(A/N hey guys the weird issues are gone woohoo!)

"I guess I might apologize tomorrow besides, he was kind of overreacting."

"He had a pretty good death glare" Jack pointed out conversationally.

"eh I've endured worse."

"Go to bed now kids, you have school tomorrow!" 

Yeah. Like she doesn't keep us up later than this some nights.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>time skip>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I woke up the next morning, much to my displeasure. My phone said it was 6:30; I say that it's cruel we wake up so early. School doesn't even start until 8:30! We just have to catch the loud, smelly bus at 7:30. Looking out my window, I see the already rising sun. Inconsiderate bitch. Finally after laying in bed for 10 minutes, mourning my loss of sleep, I go to take a shower.

I step into the bathroom and pause for a second. Something is off. The air is already thick with humidity, and the shower is running. That could only mean one thing, but why is he up so early? I stay in there to brush my hair and teeth and wait for him to leave the shower. I was thinking about how I need to re-dye my hair and the water turned off, and in that moment it hit me,
He wouldn't be clothed.

Shit. shitshitshitshitshitshitshit. HOW COULD I FORGET THAT?!

Realizing it was too late, I couldn't really leave, I did the next best thing and closed my eyelids so tightly closed it hurt. I hear a shower curtain opening and a yelp. I had to suppress a smile, that is until he yelled
"aLeX!" he continued in a quieter voice to not alert anyone else as I heard him put on a towel "Do you normally scare the hel out of everyone who shares this bathroom with you?!"

"Nope." I popped the 'p' "You're just particularly fun to scare."

"So I've heard." he grumbled.

It became awkward because I didn't want to do this, since Alex Fierro doesn't apologize, but for some reason I felt kind of guilty. He seemed to give up on me saying anything when I finally spit it out in fits and starts.

"Actually, uh, this might be shocking but... I'm wanting to apologize. This is as weird if not weirder for me than it is for you but... I'm sorry if I pissed you off last night."

He blushes for some reason, what is h embarrassed about? Why would he be embarrassed? I'm the humiliated one here! I was angry before I knew it over him blushing. What the fucc is going on here? Normally I'm not like this! My anger quickly fizzled though when he spoke.

"No, I'm sorry. I reacted weirdly because... stuff. And now we're stuck apologizing to each other in a bathroom with me half naked and you in pajamas."

"I'm still going to call you Bird Boi."
"Oh my god please don't"
"It's better than Big Bird, no?"
"The fact you even considered that is slightly disturbing."
"Everything about my is slightly disturbing what are you talking about?"

We both started laughing our asses off and I may have heard him wheeze 'same' at some point. Our laughter echoed off the walls and I couldn't have told you for the life of me why we were so hysterical. Oddly, at the same time we looked into each other's eyes, as if by magnets or some weird cosmic force. Something occurred to me as we stood there, clutching our sides in laughter, I felt something I had only felt camping with the kids in my pottery class. It was warm and a little tingly and spread all throughout my body. I looked dead into those glinting grey eyes, and the feeling intensified. 

If I had to guess though, I would maybe call it something like a sense of home.

(wassup dudes I tried to make the apology as Alex Fierro as possible while still being an apology and boy was that weird. I feel like these are kind of short? I don't know. I'm trying to update on Thursdays, I am. It's just my life has gotten kind of nuts and I have writers block right now. I'm going to start doing a media that will indicate who's POV it is and hopefully a little about the chapter topic. anyways, have a nice whenever you're reading this. Bye Chili Babies :))

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