The Beginning (again)

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A/N: without further ado, Home (take 2).



Magnus Chase was laying in the grass, as he often does, when it happened. Usually the backyard of this particular foster home was relatively soothing; something straight out of a Romantic painting in the middle of Boston, verdant in the late July heat. However, noise does carry through those old windows, and carry it did. When the screaming started, he pulled his sunglasses down and moved his arms from shading his eyes to muffling his ears. When it continued, Magnus sat up and looked for the source of the commotion; though upon finding it to be his own residence, he laid back down. No, Magnus did not move until the suitcase fell.

"Hey! At least yell 'geronimo' or something!" He shouted at the window from whence the offending luggage came, neighbors be damned.

Someone stuck their head out the window to shout back, and Magnus might've liked to get a look at them, but the summer sun rendered them a vaguely head-shaped dark splotch on the bonnet-blue sky.

"Kinda busy to yell about cartoon mice from children's books, dick cheese! Try not to lay under windows."

Magnus was about to give his hilariously cutting comeback when an indistinct and shrill voice recognizable as the woman who ran this home rang from the window and he determined this fight precisely not his business (he's not scared of her, he's just not stupid.)

So, Magnus Chase laid back down.


a/n: listen. I know it's short. I have magical fantastical plans for this (unlike when I started this a year and a half ago). also, I'm better at writing now so. uh. yay? if you don't know what dick cheese is, please don't look it up, it's an insult for a reason, love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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