The Beginning

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Magnus POV

Here I am.

In another home.

Wondering how long this one will last.

Why do the call them "homes" when there's nothing homey about them.

My record is two weeks.

Gotta love my life.

Alex POV

Here I am.

Another wasted day here.

Gods I hate it here.

The people, the decor, not to mention the school.

I need to leave.

Gotta love my life.

Both POV

A new place, a new... wait is that a person?

Magnus POV

I look around my room to see that it's empty. Not hopeful. Not expectant. Just sad and empty. Someone had made an attempt to brighten up the space by putting up an "inspirational" poster about hope. ew. I hope they don't mind me taking it down.

I set down my backpack full of all my earthly possessions and begin taking stuff out. I wonder whether they will allow me to do my laundry on my own, group laundries are a pain in the butt. I take out the book I've been reading, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (A/N he is a nerd fite me. also, I hecking love Harry Potter with my soul). I don't know whether I'll ever be able to deal with any part of this book after I finish reading it.

I read until the sun is resting in the horizon and calls are ringing through the house of "DINNER" I may catch "GET YOUR ARSES DOWN HERE IT'S FOOD TIME" and other things once or twice. I realize as I get up to go downstairs that I have yet to shower and I still smell like the underneath side of a bridge when it's cold outside (smoke, BO, and the usual city scents of car exhaust and people). I'm not hungry, I had lunch at the shelter, and missing a meal is no big deal anymore, so I decide to take a shower.

I walk in to see a bathroom just like the bedroom, personalityless except for the blue hairbrush laying on the counter. A door is open on the other end of the small room. I close both doors, figuring the person next door probably won't mind, and if they do, they can fight me. I don't want people coming here while I shower! It takes me about 5 minutes to figure out the controls for the shower, because we can't just regulate shower designs for some reason. Once I finally do, and I figure out how to keep it going at a decent temperature, I savor every drop.

There is something slightly ceremonious about showering in a new place after traveling for so long. Though it is better to come home to it. I'll never come home again, though. But this is close enough. I enjoy the feeling of every drop falling on my skin as a singular drop, before feeling it in the pressurized sheets. It feels nice to be clean for once. (A/N why did that sound vaguely sexual?)

I hop out of the shower and grab my clothes, wrapping myself in a towel I found in the cabinet. Surprise, surprise! It's not fluffy. That doesn't matter though. It's a towel. 

I'm walking out of the room when I hear a distinctly annoyed and alarmed voice demand

"Who the hell are you and why are you in my bathroom?"

They ask, I deliver.

"Hi, I'm Magnus Chase. I will be living in the room next door for however long I'm here. Why don't we do better introductions when I'm clothed? It's just a bit awkward like this."

What? Was that rude? I don't really care because I hightailed it out of the room the next second, before the mystery person could ask any questions.

Alex POV

A few a minutes after flopping down on my bed, I heard thumps coming from the other room next door. They must have found a new kid, he better not be like the last kid. The last kid in there was found hanging from the curtain rod. I didn't even notice until I went into the room to ask him if I could borrow some shampoo and saw him hanging from the curtain rod like a grotesque curtain pull.

I shook my head to clear out the bad memory and pulled out my phone. I can't text or call anyone since I can't pay for a phone bill anymore, but this house, for all it's drawbacks, does have wifi. Scrolling through my Instagram looking at beauty tutorials and too many memes than is probably healthy, I hear the dinner call ringing through the house.

I walked down to dinner and sat down at my spot and proceeded to fidget with everything I could reach until everyone showed up and I could mess with them. Eventually all the chairs were filled except one. Whoever it is better get their ass down here because I'm hungry. I started challenging those around me to silverware sparring and had time to viciously beat 4 people. By then we were all getting (more) antsy. Where was New Kid?

"Alex, dear-" began Ms. Bridgeton, the owner here.

"Don't call me dear."

"Fine. Alex would you like to go check on Magnus?"

"Is that who's holding up our meal?"

"Yes, Alex. Now go get him so that we can eat."


I only agreed so that I could personally beat him up for being so selfish and holding us all up. I stomped up the stairs and as I entered my room, I heard the shower turn off. I waited until "Magnus" probably had a towel on. Either I waited too long or he was speedy, but when I opened the door he had almost slipped out.

"Who the hell are you and why are you in my bathroom?" I almost shouted it just to scare him more. I already knew his first  name and that he was roommate thanks to the amount of noise he was somehow making earlier.

"Hi I'm Magnus Chase and I will be living in the room next door for however long I'm here. Why don't we do better introductions when I'm clothed? It's just a bit awkward like this."

And with that he turned around and left the room without me getting any decent look at him. He was tall. And blond. And skinny. Real detailed look, right?

(A/N: that was kind of short but they're all pretty short towards the beginning, but I thought it would just well there. There'll be more dialogue next chapter. Don't worry my doods. Also, don't mind me casually slipping in tol!Magnus. Okay byeeeeeeeeeee)

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