Chapter 4

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YAY!!!! I finally got my laptop fixed!!!! I really really hope you guys like this!!!! Please vote/fan/comment.

I would like to make a massive shout out to @daniellethefag. She's awesome, go check out her stuff!!

Really hope you guys all like this chapter!!

You are all amazballs

Love Ferniij2 xxx :)

I lazily brushed my tangled hair, with my eyelids drooping from the exhaustion, for some reason, despite the face I went to bed a tad later than usual I was still more tired than ever. It may just be something to with the fact that I stayed up thinking about Jordan all night. I just kept replaying that scene in my mind.

I apply foundation to cover the purple bags hanging under my eyes. I head downstairs and grab my school bag from the back of the kitchen chair. I say a quick goodbye to Mum then head outside. I pull my coat closer around my body, the wind was blisteringly cold, whipping through my hair. My tired legs dragging my body to school.

I get to my locker without being disturbed too much. Of course I got the occasional stare because I am new. I check my school timetables and dig out the books I’ll need. It was my first art class today, then maths and english. I’ve always loved art. I keep tonnes of sketchbooks in a box in my wardrobe. Art is the only subject that I am good at anyway.

Once I had collected all my books and shoved them into my bag I closed my locker and headed in the direction of the art block, then I heard someone call my name.


I froze momentarily before Jake’s perfect face came into my view.

-“You got art class next?” He says hopefully, nodding at my sketchbook in my hands. He sounded slightly out of breath from running after me. I laughed at him then nodded shyly.

-“Great, do you mind if I walk with you then?” He says, combing his fingers through his curly brown hair, his smile spreading wider. After a few moments of slightly awkward silence as we walked through the crowded corridors I speak up.

-“Hey, Jake. Do you know that boy, Jordan?”

He seemed to tense up at my question before looking towards me.

-“Just stay away from him Leah, I mean it, he’s trouble,” He whispers. I didn’t know why he was whispering, it’s not like anyone was listening to our conversation. I nod at him. After hearing what Jake had to say about Jordan made me worry. Was he really that bad?

We eventually made our way to the art room after pushing our way through the busy corridors. Jake pulls me over to the table by the window.

-“This is the best seat, because when you’re drawing the light comes in perfectly,” He says, sitting opposite me.

-“You like art?” I ask him.

-“My favourite subject,” He says pulling out his own sketchbook and showing me some of his drawings. They were amazing.

-”me too,” I say.

-“Let me see your sketchbook then,” He says. I pass the book across the table, watching him as he slowly flicks through my private work. He looks up at me and smiles. My heart was thumping under my school jumper.

-“Very nice,” He says, handing me my book back.

Jake is a very attractive boy, I found myself laughing and messing around with him and I had even stopped stuttering. He was so easy to talk to. This is the first boy I’ve ever been able to talk to in my life. I could feel an intense stare on my back but every time I looked around I couldn’t see anyone looking at me.

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