Chapter 28

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Hey! Happy new year!!!! Bring on 2014. I'm sorry this is really really late but I've been stuck on  ideas recently, but u thought as it's the christmas holidays and i have nothing to do, I will update. So here is chapter 28, sorry it's a bit short.


Jordan swiftly turned around to look in the direction the guy was talking about. A confused frown etched into his sweaty features as he focused his brown eyes on me. I stare back at him, refusing to look away.

-“Let’s take a break,” Jordan says to the guy, slipping his boxing gloves off and chucking them down onto the blue plastic mat. He bent down to retrieve his water bottle before strolling over to me in a few large strides.

-“Hello,” he says.

-“Hey,” I reply, swinging my legs over the side of the table. He stopped in front of me, his large frame towering over my small frame.

-“How did you find me?” he questions, wiping sweat from his forehead.

-“I took the long way back home and recognised your bike on the pavement. The bald guy showed me where you were,” I say, pointing in the direction of the bald man who was over the other side of the gym, talking to someone else.

 I smiled shyly back at him. A blush crept onto my cheeks as he stared at me. He only had to give me one glance with those deep brown eyes to make me practically melt inside. I quickly chose to change the subject, unsure how much more time I could go with those brown eyes staring down at me.

-“So, what are you doing here? You never told me about this?” I question.

-“I’m a boxing trainer,”

My eyes widened slightly. –“Wow,” I mumbled in disbelief.

He chuckled at me, bringing his grey shirt up by the hem to wipe away more sweat beads on his forehead, showing me his toned muscular stomach. I had a feeling his actions were more to my benefit than his as I couldn’t help but let my eyes linger on his stomach. My suspicions were confirmed when a cheeky smile spread across his lips as he brought the shirt back down, his forehead free of the glistening drops of sweat. I smiled shyly at him as he winked back at me, making me blush even more. He took a quick swig of water from the bottle, his tongue gliding over his lips as he replaced the cap.

-“So, how come you’re a boxing trainer?”

His eyes locked on mine, his smile dropping slightly. Jordan moved around the table and lifted himself up with ease to sit next to me. When he didn’t reply, I playfully nudged him in the ribs. He lightly chuckled before turning to me.

-“It helps me manage my anger problems,” he spoke quietly. –“At least it’s supposed to,”

We sat talking for a little while longer whilst Jordan cooled down. I noticed people repeatedly glancing over at us. We were laughing and messing around, poking each other in the ribs. From the confused expressions worn on some peoples face’s made me question if they had ever seen Jordan act this way around a girl. I knew from rumours around school Jordan didn’t have the best reputation with his actions towards women. Jordan’s deep voice broke my thoughts.

-“Look, Leah. I’m sorry about what happened….you know with Gemma. How about we put it behind us, you know, start fresh?” Jordan questions, looking me directly in the eyes. I look down at my hands as they fiddle with the hem of my shirt. I don’t know what to say. What if he’s just trying to take advantage of me again?

-“I don’t know Jordan, it’s hard for me,” I whisper.

-“Please?!” Jordan says, pulling a mock puppy face, nudging my shoulder playfully. I smile, forgiving him.

-“You wanna have a go?” he says, pointing towards the ring in the centre of the gym.

-“Oh…I…” I stutter, not sure what to say.

-“Come on,” He says, grinning at me. –“It’ll be fun!” He says, smirking cheekily at me.

Jordan stood up, placing the bottle down on the table beside me.  My fingers were entwined with his as he led me over to the ring. I watched as he effortlessly climbed though the ropes surrounding the ring. He offered me a helping hand, holding the ropes apart for me as I bent down and climbed through. I walked around the ring, wondering how many fights had been held here. My vision quickly drew back to Jordan who was standing in front of me, grinning.

-“Do you fight?” I asked, curiously.

Jordan shook his head.

-“They….err….They told me I was too dangerous to fight, that’s why I teach instead,” Jordan explains. I tilt my head to the side, not fully understanding what he meant.

-“Apparently, I punch out of my weight class. They told me it wouldn’t be safe for my opponent. They said I could seriously damage my opponent if I ever fought in my weight class, but, I’m happy teaching, you know,” he explains to me.

My mouth made an ‘o’ shape as he explains to me. I had always assumed Jordan was just angry when he fought with other males, like he did with Nat. My mind flicked to a picture of Nat, lying helplessly on the floor, blood trickling from his nose as Jordan repeatedly punched him in the face.

I gripped the worn red ropes tightly as I slowly walked around the edge of the ring back to Jordan. I found myself drawn to his arms, curiosity taking over. My left hand hesitantly reached out to his right arm, my skinny fingers only managing to wrap around a small amount of his muscular arms. I could almost feel the power he emitted, the power behind every punch he threw out. I couldn’t help but feel intimidated by his large frame towering over me. He was built way larger than me, standing good four or five inches above me. I couldn’t help but think that if he turned on me I wouldn’t stand a chance. The eerie thought chilled through my body. It was almost as if he had read my mind, his head dipped down to my ear. My forehead rested against Jordan’s shoulder, finger tips pressing into his warm skin.

 We were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. My head darted up to see the man who led me from the reception, he was grinning at Jordan, his eyes gleaming at him. Jordan told him not-so-politely to go away. The man just laughed before turning away and strolling towards the door.


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