Chapter 16

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Hello! I know it's been ages since I updated but I completly forgot about this becuase I've had alot of exams etc....

But hopefully you'll enjoy this and hopefully i willl be updating much more frequently!!


follow me on twitter: fernii_Jenkins

8 VOTES?????????

I jolted awake, my heart pounding in my chest. My sudden movement causes something to stir next to me. Jordan. I sighed in relief, glad to be awoken from the awful dream with Jordan by my side. Even though he was asleep, I still felt safe in his arms. The earlier events of the night were still playing on my mind.

My body slowly relaxed against Jordan. I looked up at him. I could just make out the outline of his shadowed figure in the darkness. A small amount of light was given, through of slit in the curtain, a thin beam of light pooling into the room, illuminating Jordan’s face.

Even in the dim light I could see his beautiful face, his long eyelashes resting on his cheeks. My gaze fell to his lips. This was one of the most tranquil states I have seen him in, he was peaceful. His chest steadily rising and falling with each breath he took in. The occasional twitch of his fingers every now and then, along with light snores.

My mind wondered back to what he’d told me about his sister. He had told me one his most painful memories, trusting me with his piece of treasured information. My fingers gently ran across his arm and up to his neck, before my fingertips brushed over his pink lips, stroking his forehead.

All he wanted to do was protect his sister from the dangers of the world. They had missed out on four years of growing up together. I understand how hard that must be, not just for Jordan but for Indie and his Mum as well. His mother watched as her only son grew up, faster than he needed in order to keep her safe. He missed out on a childhood.  He missed out on having someone take care of him; treat him as his age, not his dangerous personality. All he needed was someone to take care of him, someone to protect him. He was missing a father figure for four years of his teenage life.

I could now finally understand his violent behaviour. His actions towards me weren’t something I needed to be scared of, but he still held an intimidating edge toward me, even though I knew he was only trying to protect me and keep me safe from harm, from all the people that wanted to take me away from him. He promised me he wouldn’t let that happen. I believed him. I trusted him. My hands found his as I held onto them, his arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him.


I squinted slightly at the bright light flickering through the edges of the curtains. Jordan was still asleep; his mouth slightly agape as his chest steadily rose and fell. I had been awake for about ten minutes, my body unable to move as Jordan’s strong arm held me close to him, my back still firmly pressed against his front. I tried to pry his hands from my waist, but every time I tried his grip would tighten, his fingers clasped around mine. A small chuckle escaped my lips as I tried to remove his hands from my body. Jordan let out a loud groan, gripping my hips, rolling me over to face him. His eyes were slowly fluttering open.

-“Leah.” He mumbled, a small smile playing on his lips.

Jordan blinked multiple times, trying to focus on my face. I didn’t sleep much last night; I couldn’t stop thinking about what he told me last night, such a big secret he hadn’t told anyone else. I couldn’t even begin to think what he’s been through, emotionally and physically. No one deserved anything like that, to be left alone at such a young age, to even begin thinking about running away from home. The fact that Jordan’s sister blamed him for his father’s death was just unimaginable, but she was upset, all he needed was to see her and talk to her. It’s been four years since they’d seen each other, he had no idea where she was, he didn’t even know if she was alive.

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