Chapter 27

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HEY!! It's been a while. Sooo, some of my friends at school have been joking about and trying to find my fan fic, so i'm praying that they won't find this!!!

I've been focusing a lot of my time recently on my new Danisnotonfire fic (if you're interested, watch this space, it's coming soo,) and also on school work, so I kind of neglected this fanfic. Along with alot of procrastination, but I have finally managed to update!!

I've been reading a rizzle kicks story called 'Safe' and I'm in love with it. It's amazing and you should definitley check it out as I'm sure you will also love it. the author is the wonderful 'Preferences' and you should go and check her out.

Also, I completely fogot, but we hit 10,000 reads, HOLY CRAP guys. Honestly, thank you so so so so much, that's amazing. When i first started writing this I never thought it would ever get that many so thank you for reading and sticking with me!!!

But anyway, enough waffling, here is chapter 27! I hope you enjoy and don't forget to fan, vote and comment!!!

and!!! also, i'm very sorry about any time difference mistakes, i know Leah and Jordan are supposed to be at school and whatever but this is a fan fic, they can do what they want!! :)

-“I love your sister! She’s amazing,” I say, kissing Jordan on the cheek.

-“Good, but I thought she was never going to leave,”

-“But it was nice to finally meet her, even though she spent most of her time here showing me pictures of you as a baby,” I joke, closing the hallway door.


I smiled, waving goodbye to Lauren and Jenny as I shoved my books into my school bag and heading out into the cold, empty school grounds. I had got changed into some baggy grey sweatpants and a big blue jumper. I hated walking home in my school uniform. It was always cold and windy. I pulled my hair out of its loose messy bun and let it fall around my shoulders. I tucked my hands into my jumper pocket, trying to keep them warm. I kicked at a small stone on the pavement, watching as it tumbled down a drain on the side of the road.

My blue Vans scuffed along the pavement as I start to head home. The cold wind is blowing through my hair, tangling it around my face. Jordan left class early; he said he had to be somewhere. Lewis left with him, making me suspicious of where he was going but I didn’t question him, not even the teachers dare to question him. I decide to take a different way home. I take the long way around, walking though the run down estate and into town. I pull my bag round to my side from my shoulder and rummage through all my school books and empty sweet wrappers, to find my IPod and headphones. I slip the buds into my ears, flicking though my playlist until I found a song I liked.

My vision aimlessly wandered around the empty, run down estate and across the road. I wasn’t really taking in all my surroundings. I knew my house was somewhere in the bottom of town, so I kept walking down through the estate. It was nice to be alone after a busy school day. The breeze picked up slightly, lifting my hair from my shoulders. I turn a corner, taking a short walk through an alleyway. I take a look around as I emerge though the other side of the alleyway. My gaze sets on a familiar blue BMX bike, carelessly left on the side of the pavement. I recognised the bike. One of my headphones was removed from my ear as I strolled a little closer to take a look.

I spun around on the spot. My gaze flicked around until I focused on a large run down building across the road. I pull the other headphone from my ear, pausing the track and slipping my IPod back into my bag. I quickly cross the quiet road to the building. It looked like it used to be red, but the paint was slowly peeling off, turning a deep rusted brown colour. One of the windows above my head was smashed and boarded up, fragment of the glass still scattered across the floor. It looked quite big, but it didn’t look dangerous, like anything bad was going on in there so I decide to take a look. I found myself curious, walking over to the blue metal door. I push the grey handle down, pulling it open towards me, it was quite heavy. There was some sort of reception area, it was quite large. A few men were leaning up against the wall, talking. A number of doors led to different areas of the building. The painted brick walls looked like they used to be white, but had now faded to a dirty beige colour.

-“Can I help you Miss?” A deep male voice sounded from behind me. I spun around to face a tall, muscular man with a bald head, looking down on my small frame. He was wearing sweatpants and a black tank top, showing off his muscular, heavily tattooed arms. His eyes looked me up and down, obviously frowning at my sweatpants and jumper. He looked like the kind of guy you didn’t want to mess with. I think my nervousness was apparent when his frown turned into to a somewhat friendly smile. I return the gesture, smiling back at him and tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. He raised his eyebrows at me, prompting me to say something.

-“I…ummm…Is Jordan here?” I stutter nervously. He looked at me for a second, his eyes taking in my full appearance. Confusion flashed over his eyes before he spoke.

-“Stephens?” He questions, his voice deep. I nod at him.

-“Yeah…He’s…” His head turned from side to side before signalling with his hand to follow him. –“Come with me,”

I followed the tall man into a massive training room. The smell of testosterone filled my senses. There were numerous people scattered across the room, all of them training. Either lifting weights, doing press ups or taking hard swings at large red punch bags hung from the ceiling. My eyes were drawn to the middle of the room, a large boxing ring in the centre. Worn red ropes surrounded the raised fighting platform. My eyes scanned across the room, taking it all in.

-“He’s right over there, love,” The tall man says, pointing over to the corner of the large gym.

I thanked him, expecting him to walk away but instead he stayed with me, seemingly interested in the situation. Maybe they don’t often get girls visiting such a run-down area of town. I began to walk over to the corner he directed me to go, where two men where stood on a blue plastic mat. Jordan’s tall frame was instantly recognisable. The sleeves of his grey shirt were rolled up, showing his large muscular arms, flexing with every step he took. Sweat patches covered his back. He kept his back to me, un- aware that I was there. He was focused on what he was doing, his head down, watching both his opponent and his boxing gloves. He moved quickly and lightly on his feet and I could tell he was good at what he does.

-“Go again!” Jordan’s raspy voice shouted. Jordan took a hefty swing at the guy who was holding the boxing pads up. The guy stumbled back, Jordan was obviously quite strong.

I didn’t want to interrupt him so I wandered over to a brown table pushed up against the off colour wall of the gym. I lift myself up onto the table and sit crossed legged, leaning my back against the cold brick wall. I remove my bag from my shoulder and place it beside me.  The bald guy followed me over to the table, leaning his back and the sole of his trainer on the wall. He crossed his big muscular arms across his chest, he was grinning as he watched Jordan. My eyes instantly fell upon Jordan, watching him intently. Jordan’s muscles flexed as he continued to throw hits at the guy holding the strike pads. He had his back to me but the guy holding the strike pads curiously peered around Jordan in my direction, a small smirk playing on his lips.

A giggle escaped my mouth as Jordan delivered a soft punch to the back of the guy’s head.

-“Never take your eyes off your opponent,” Jordan told him sternly. They both laughed, playfully hitting each other on the shoulders and head. Jordan was laughing and messing around, he was obviously good friends with the guy, he wouldn’t normally let his guard down around other guys like that. I think I recognised the guy who was holding the strike pads, I think Jordan introduced me to him at the party, but I couldn’t put a name to his face.

-“Well what if it’s to look at her?” the guy replied, raising his eyebrows and grinning at Jordan.

so there you have it!!! Chapter 28 will be up ASAP!! i love you guys, and don't forget to check out 'Preferences' they're awesome. DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!!!

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