Chapter 12

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Hey yo!! So, at the moment I am on easter break I've been really busy and haven't really had much time at all to write. So this is probably the crappiest chapter yet, but please bear with me because there is more drama on the way. I really don't like this chapter at all and I don't know why.

Shout out to @aleepurr  (Is that how you spell it!!?). I have been talking to her on kik and she's awesome. If you haven't already go check out her story cos it's sick.

And, @daniellethefag. My twitter has been playing up and so has wattpad and it's not letting me send pictures, and I haven't had much time to look for any decent ones, but I will get round to it!!!

So yeah.....I think that's all I have to say to you guys!!

10 votes please!!!!!! I know I know....beg times!! Comment as well pleeeeeease!!!


My phone rings loudly from my bedside table. I run across the room to answer it before it stops ringing. I check the caller ID. Jake. I hit the green answer button and turn it on loud speaker, before laying it my bed so I can continue getting ready for tonight.

-“Hey Leah, it’s Jake,”

-“Hey, why are you calling at this time?” I question, flicking through my clothes in my wardrobe.

-“I was just wondering if you wanted to go out tonight….seeing as our last date ended quite badly. We can try again,” Jake says, question in his voice.

I freeze as he says this. I’m going out with Jordan tonight, what do I tell him? Should I be honest, or should I just ditch Jordan?

-“Ummm, yeah…..about that...I’m kind of busy tonight, sorry,” I say, carefully choosing my words, trying not to hurt Jake.

There is a long pause; I quickly rush back to my bed to make sure Jake hasn’t hung up on me.

-“Jake? Are you still there?”

-“You’re going out with Jordan aren’t you?” Jake says sadly.

Dammit. How did he know?

-“Yeah, I’m sorry Jake,” I say guiltily.

-“I thought you liked me. Why are you going out with him after what happened?” Jake questions, sounding almost astounded.

-“Because I want to, he’s nice really. You need to get to know him,”

-“I don’t want you going, it’s too dangerous,” Jake warns me, sternly. I could almost picture him at that moment, frowning, and his eyes full of concern.

-“Jake, I can look after myself. Don’t worry about it, okay?”

I jumped slightly as there was a loud knock on my door.

-“Sorry Jake, got to go,” I say quickly, before hanging up and chucking my phone into my bag.

-“It’s open!” I called out for my mother to enter my room.

I had my back to the door, my focus currently on the selection of clothes hanging up in my wardrobe. My fingers flicked through the hangers before pulling out a shirt and holding it up.

-“Mum, what do you….”

I turn round, only to drop the piece of clothing I was holding up. Jordan stood with a smirk spread across his lips, his eyes burning into me. I became extremely aware that I was only wearing a baggy shirt and shorts. I pulled the hem of my shirt down as far as it would go, covering as much of my body as possible. His vision grazed up and down my body, his eyes tracing down my legs, before he spoke.

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