Chapter 24

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YO WASSUP DUDES!!! I am so so so sorry for not updating sooner, I've had a tonne of course work to do and to be honest, I haven't had any motivation to write anything. But anyhow, here I give you chapter 24.

But, I did want to ask you guys an important question. I would really really really like to write a Danisnotonfire fanfic..... I just want to know if any of you guys are fans of his, or if you would read the story. So yeah, please comment about that!!!

We walked back slowly, hand in hand. Talking, just talking, about nothing in particular, just happy to be in each other’s presence. I loved the feeling of his hand in mine, his thumb rubbing over the back of my hand. I smiled to myself into the darkness, just happy to be with him again. Jordan drapes arms over my shoulder, pulling me close to him. I loosely hold him around the waist. We walk in sync with each other until we finally reach Jordan’s house. He explained to me that his mother was out of town, and will be for the next week or so.

Jordan unlocks the door and ushers me inside, then walks in after me and locks the door behind us. Then he takes my hand in his and leads me through the kitchen and into the living room.

-“We never finished our picnic, you know,” He says, nudging my arm playfully.

I giggle, sitting down on the sofa. Jordan flicks off the lights and turns on the lamp by the side of the sofa. The soft glow of the lamp creates shadows and silhouettes all around the room. Jordan sits down next to me. I snuggle down towards him. My arm rested over his waist as he squeezes my hips. I giggle again, nestling deeper into his side as he tugged a blanket over us. Jordan’s hand found mine, holding on tightly. Our breathing settled in sync, chests rising and falling at the same time. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

-“Screw the picnic,” Jordan says. –“I’d rather just sit and watch you.”

I was about to tell him to shut up when a ringtone I recognised as Jordan’s sounded. He grabs his phone from his pocket, checking the caller ID, then cancelling the call.

-“I’m just gonna check if the door’s locked,”

-“It is.” I abruptly spoke. “You put the chain across when we came in.”

-“I’ll just check.”

-“Don’t go!” I whine playfully.

-“Two minutes.” He laughed.

When five minutes passed I decided to get up and change for bed. I wrapped the blanket around my shoulders like a cape, the excess trailing behind me. I went upstairs and found the bathroom along the hallway. Upon rinsing my face I took a better look at myself in the mirror. My eyes were still slightly red and puffy, my face still slightly tear stained. I soon realised there wasn’t much I could do about my unruly messy hair, settling to comb my fingers through the unruly curls and tuck the stray strands behind my ears. I glanced quickly at the clock display. It had been a good 15 minutes now and I found myself wandering downstairs in search of Jordan. He was in the kitchen, back turned to me as he pressed a phone to his ear.

-“Are you in London? I could pick you up? Or can you drive here?”

My curiosity got the better of me before I clumsily stumbled over the blanket. My hands darted out to the back of the sofa to prevent myself from falling flat on my face. Jordan suddenly turned, features softening with my presence, then frowning at me.

-“Give me a sec,” he spoke into the phone

He covered the mouth piece with his hand, holding the phone away from himself.

-“You okay?”

-“Are you coming back?”

I shifted uncomfortably as my question was left unanswered; Jordan scanning me up and down. I gathered my hair over one shoulder.

-“Jordan?” I prompted.

-“You look so beautiful.”

I hesitated. It wasn’t exactly the sort of reply I was after, his compliment unexpected. I lingered in the door way, just behind the sofa.

-“I’ll be back in a two minutes.”

-“You said that ten minutes ago.”

-“I promise.” He winked with a cheeky smile.

I turned to leave the room, glancing quickly back over my shoulder.

-“Well, just so you know, I’m getting cold without you.”

-“It’s noted. I’ll have to make it quick then, won’t I?”

The teasing tone in his voice was evident, his cheeky smirk and his eyes sparkling. I laughed upon hearing him tell the person on the other end of the phone to rudely shut up. It was obvious that they had heard out conversation, despite Jordan’s efforts to cover the phone. I returned to the living room.

After a while I felt the sofa dip as Jordan sat down next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me in. Butterfly kisses were sweetly fluttered against my cheek before my lips pressed onto the base of his neck. I nuzzled into his side, resuming our cosy position before Jordan had made the mystery phone call.

I eventually pull away from Jordan.

-“What are you doing?” Jordan asks.

-“You get uncomfortable after a while,” I explained honestly.

-“What do you mean?”

-“It just feels uncomfortable after a while…you’re kind of solid to lay next to and I’m kind of…squidgy,”

-“Squidgy?” Jordan laughed.

I poked at his stomach to prove it. His muscles were taught and defined.

-“See?” I say, poking him harder.

-“Put a pillow on me then,” Jordan says.

I was tugged up to lay upon Jordan’s outstretched body. I sat up whilst grabbing the pillow from the floor and placed it on his chest. I adjusted it until it was comfy then led down on top of him. He nudged a leg between mine, my foot subconsciously brushing back and forth over his.

-“Stop wiggling about,” Jordan lightly complained.


Eventually I settled down, resting my chin on the pillow, just on his chest.


-“Much better,”

I tugged the blanket up and draped it over my back. Jordan softly hummed as he twirled a strand of my hair around his index finger. It was quiet, a peacefulness that I soon broke.

-“You know, you’re really pretty….for a guy,” I say laughing.

-“Thank you, so are you…for a girl,” Jordan replies, I could feel his chest moving beneath me as he spoke.

-“So, who was on the phone?” I question.

Jordan shifts uncomfortably underneath me, struggling to maintain eye contact with me. I raise my eyebrows at him expectantly.

-“Just a family friend…” Jordan says. I frown, un-impressed, but I let it slide and decide not to pressure him for answers.

I didn’t have a clue how long we stayed up talking. And for those long hours I had completely forgotten about everything that had gone wrong between us. He was sweet, interested in what I had to say and he wasn’t shy of poking fun in me. He could take it just as good as he could give it. The conversations weaved from our favourite bands through to school and homework. I promised Jordan I would help him with his art work and take him to see a local band in return for him teaching me how to ride the motor bike and play the guitar. It must have been the early hours in the morning before I watched him slowly drift off to sleep. It couldn’t have even been a few minutes later before I quickly followed suit and fell asleep with Jordan.

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