Chapter 23

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TA-DAHHHH!!! I present to you Chapter 23 of Trust!!!!!!

Hope you like it!!!!

-“What are you doing?”

-“Apologising,” Jordan states, holding up the basket and rose.

-“What? You think a flower and a picnic is going to fix this?” I say, my voice raising.


I raise my eyebrows at him.

-“No! No, of course not, stupid me,” Jordan says. I fight the urge to smile at his sarcastic sense of humour.

-“Look, Leah. I just want to fix this. I hate knowing that I’m the reason that you’re hurting right now. So please, give me a chance,”

My eyes flicker don towards the ground as I let out a long exhale of breath. I give Jordan a small shrug.

-“Please Leah?” Jordan says, tucking the rose into the basket then out stretching his hand to mine.

-“Give me another chance, please Leah,”

I nod my head slowly at Jordan. He tilts his head to the side and gives me a small smile, then hands the rose to me.

-“For you,” Jordan says, grinning at me. –“C’mon then, what are we waiting for. Let’s go!”

Jordan grabs my hand before I can even take it away.

-“Where are we going?” I ask as Jordan drags me along the pavement.

-“Somewhere. I know you’ll like it,”

We walk in silence down a twisty lane, just on the edge of the town. I’d never been down it before, it  always looked dark and scary, but with Jordan I felt safe. It was nice just to walk quietly, without feeling the need to fill the silence, it was peaceful. The lane was almost pitch black, I could only just make out Jordan’s silhouette, so I had no choice but to cling to his hand. I had no idea what Jordan was planning to do, he didn’t exactly seem like the hopeless romantic sort, but then again, he was always full of surprises. Eventually, the dark, narrow lane seemed to come to some sort of end as it opened up to a forest clearing. I frowned at Jordan.

-“Do you even know where we are?” I ask.

-“Of course I do. It’s literally just around this corner,” Jordan says, tugging me along.

Jordan leads me around one last corner of the forest path way, before it comes to a large empty clearing. The trees above us curve overhead, creating a sheltered canopy showing the pale white stars and the full moon above us. I look around the clearing. In the centre was a big picnic blanket surrounded by soft, glowing blue and green fairy lights doted around the trees and blanket, creating a beautiful glowing blue light in the forest. Jordan gently takes my hand in his and leads me towards the blanket. He places down the basket next to me and we both sit down on opposite ends of the blanket.

-“You didn’t have to do this, you know,” I say.

-“But I wanted to,” Jordan says, smiling at me.

Jordan turns and opens the basket next to him and starts taking out the contents. Salt and onion crisps, Nutella sandwiches, and strawberries and chocolate.

-“I wasn’t exactly sure what to pack, so I just put in everything from the cupboard,” Jordan says, unpacking the last of the basket contents. I smile shyly at Jordan and he hands me a strawberry.

-“ You know, you’re gonna have to talk to me eventually Leah,”

I stare at him, focusing my gaze with his.

-“I need more time,”

-“Look. I’m so sorry for what happened-“

I cut him off.

-“How long had it been going on?” I say sharply. Jordan looks down, before looking back up at me.

-“A week,” he says quietly.

-“How long have you known her for?”

-“Ever since like year 7,”

-“But Leah, I promise you it wasn’t my fault, she kissed me, I swear!”

-“Jordan! I saw everything! I saw you kiss her! Stop lying to me!” I shout, breaking down in tears. Jordan quickly pulls himself over to me, and pulls me into a tight hug. I tug myself away from him and jump up, running to the edge of the clearing. My eyes desperately search for somewhere to run, somewhere to hide from him.

-“Leah! Wait! Please!” Jordan shouts, sprinting over to me and grabbing my jacket sleeve. He pulls me around to face him but I turn my head away, refusing to look at me.

-“Just let me talk to you,”

Suddenly, I flip. I slap Jordan’s hand away from mine.

-“You think you’re so cool, don’t you? I bet you thought you could get any girl you wanted. Well do you know what? Yeah, I fell for you. But you aren’t the guy I fell for, Jordan. The guy I fell for was clever and funny. He was sweet and charming and cheeky. He loved reading. I thought he really cared for me. Everything he did made me fall that bit further for him. Everyone told me that I shouldn’t though. They all said he was different, and that I shouldn’t get involved, that I should stay away. But, do you know what? I believed in him. In fact, I was the only person who believed in him. He told me things he’d never told anyone else before, and I did the same. But you changed and you’re not the same guy that I fell for three months ago. I thought you were different. I thought that you cared about me, the same way I cared about you. I was in love with you Jordan, but now, I can barely look at you,”

I look up at Jordan, my sight blurred from the tears gathered in my eyes. He swallows hard.

-“I am still the same person. I haven’t changed,” Jordan says quietly, stepping closer to me.

-“Yes you have! You lied to me!” I shout, jumping forward at him. 

I punch his chest over and over again. –“You lied to me! I hate you Jordan. I hate you!” I shout over and over again.

-“I hate you! I hate you…” I shout, my voice gradually lowering as Jordan gently rocks back and forth with me, whispering into my hair.

-“Just please stop lying to me, please…” I whisper into his chest.

Jordan pulls me from his chest, holding my shoulders. I look down at my feet; I watch as tears drip down my cheeks and hit the dry ground underfoot. Jordan lifts my chin up with his fingers, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

-“I love you,” He says quietly, defiantly looking me in the eyes.

-“You know, for the record, I never thought I could get any girl I wanted, far from it. When I first saw you I was blown away. I thought you were so beautiful. Every time I saw you I fell even harder for you. Never in a billion years did I think that you would even be slightly interested in me. You’re sweet and intelligent and beautiful and sarcastic and caring and funny and cute and everything I could ever possibly want and I can’t believe how stupid I was by throwing all of that away. And most importantly you understand me more than anyone else has ever understood me. I never want to lose you, ever,”

-“I love you too Jordan,” I say as he pulls me towards him. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist, mine, draped over his shoulders. He looked down at me, his eyes dulled by the darkness of the forest. He gave me that cheeky smile, the one he knew I loved. His finger gently stroked my cheek, running along my jaw line. He lifted my chin; our noses almost touching. I could feel the warmth of his breath brushing the top of my lips. I stared into his eyes and moved up the last half inch so our lips could touch. Softly, the kiss was hard, but soft. Fiery but cool; a split second that also felt like forever. In that one kiss, I knew what was behind that cheeky smile that I loved so much. I stand on my tiptoes, my arms wrapped around his neck, fingers running though his hair. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away. Jordan smiles at me, his cheeky smile returning yet again.

-“C’mon lets go home,” Jordan says, taking my hand in his and picking up the basket and blanket.

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