Chapter 18

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HHEYYYYYYY!!!!!! This is a really really short chapter, but i promise it's going to get better! I will try and start updating more frequently now because I kind of stopped updating for like a month.

sorry about the random paragraphing, wattpad was playing up again.


Jordan’s POV

I quickly climbed onto my motorbike, glancing back at the kitchen window where Leah was waiting. I catch a glimpse of her in the window, her short brown hair quickly disappearing as she realised I’d seen her.  I start up the engine before racing down the streets. The cold air blowing at my shirt and hair.

 I can’t stop thinking about Leah. She’s driving me crazy and she doesn’t even realise it. Every time I’m near her I just want to be even closer. She makes my heart pound and my head rush. She is perfect. I told her so much about my past last night. It didn’t scare her, she just sat and listened patiently, taking in everything I had to say. It felt good to tell someone about it after bottling it up for years. It felt good to let it all out.

I soon reached the neighbourhood I was looking for. It was old and run down, littered with empty beer cans, weeds growing everywhere, broken wire fences and huge high rise tower block flats. I parked the bike on the pavement, I knew no one would even dare try to steal it, everyone knew it was mine, no one messed with me.

 I nodded my head at the guys sat on the entrance steps of the tower block, who returned the gesture. I headed into the flats, my hands shoved in my pockets, hood pulled up over my head. I pass numerous teens huddled in corners, or on BMX bikes. No one bothered me, they know who I am, and everyone here knows who I am. They know that if they want to mess with me there will be consequences.

 I eventually reach the flat number I was looking for, swinging open the door. I scan the room and see Mark, Lewis, Dan, Jack and Will all sat on the couch in silence, waiting for me. I stand there, staring at them, my arms folded across my chest. They all exchange nervous glances at each other.

-“Is someone going to tell me what’s so urgent that I needed to be here right away?” I snap, raising my eyebrows. I watch as they all look at each other, mentally discussing who would be the one to break it to me.

Lewis was the one to man up.

-“There’s a rumour going round that Nat wants revenge. Apparently he’s getting his gang ready to attack our territory,” Lewis said with caution.

-“What? Because I beat him up at that party?” I sigh, impatient because I know there must be more. They wouldn’t make me come all the way over here just to hear this.

Lewis shared another glance with the boys, nodding his head at Mark.

-“Well he’s pretty angry that you made him look weak in front of everyone,” Mark says carefully. I sigh loudly.

-“Just tell me, I don’t have all day,” I growled at the boys.

-“Well now he wants to get you back. We don’t know how but we know he will do it. Everyone is talking about it,” Dan says, continuing from Mark. I run my fingers through my hair, sighing loudly.

-“So what now then?” I mutter.

-“Jordan, we think he might go after Leah. We’re not sure but it sounds like something he would do. He knows what she means to you, that would be his easiest option,” Dan spoke up bravely.

I nod slowly at the boys, taking in what they had to say.

-“Just keep her safe, mate. We know that you want to protect her. We’re all here to help you. We won’t let him get to her, just don’t bring her around this area,” Will said.

-“Okay, Thanks guys, see you later,” I say, opening the door. An encore of goodbyes were thrown my way as I headed back out the flat door.

I head back out of the tower block and onto the pavement. Even this early in the morning everyone is out. Young kids playing football on the roads, teens riding bikes on the pavements, people smoking what is probably illegal substances in alleyways. It sounds strange but I loved living here, I wish I still did. We were all like a family here, a really messed up family. I smiled slightly to myself as I got onto my motorbike, speeding down the streets.

I really wanted Leah to like me, I never cared about a girl before the way I did for her. She was different. I’ve tried so hard to get her to trust me, it’s taking so long.

I got back to my place, hoping and praying that Leah would still be there. I had locked the door so she should be, but I couldn’t help but think she had somehow gotten away. I park my bike up on the pavement and jog up to the front door, unlocking it and walking inside. I head into the kitchen, she wasn’t there but it was clean and tidy, everything back in its place. I head upstairs after checking the living room. I take a deep breath before pushing open my bed room door. I saw her curled up in a tight ball under the duvet, her short brown hair covering part of her face. She looked perfect. Her pale skin contrasting with her dark hair.



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