Chapter 17

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 HHHHEEEYYYY!!!! So, as promised, here is the next chapter. Hope you guys like it, sorry that it's a bit short. I've had a lot of trouble writing some decent chapters because I've been writing the ending to the story and got carried away with it, so I have write some filler chapters that will make sense with the ending of the story.

But anyway, hope you guys all like it!!! xxx



I made sure I had firmly locked the bathroom door before pulling the baggy grey shirt over my head and stepping into the shower, letting the hot water shoot down my back, relaxing my muscles.

I tug on the clothes Jordan had left for me. A blue shirt and a button up shirt, that was way too big for me, and some black shorts. I loved the way his clothes looked on me. I took a deep breath, taking in his musky scent, as I pulled my short hair up in a messy pony tail. I look into the mirror, checking my reflection. For the first time in a very long time I was actually happy. I was happy because I was with Jordan. He made me feel special and wanted. For the first time I actually felt loved.

I take one last look in the mirror before tugging open the door and walking down the hallway.

I hear Jordan in the kitchen; the radio is playing softly in the background. I reach the kitchen doorway but I don’t go in. Instead, I lean my body against the door frame, watching Jordan. He hasn’t noticed me yet. His back is turned away from me slightly, his head bowed down, concentrating. He has an egg in his large hand, and a bowl in front of him. He looks down at the egg in his hand, unsure what to do. He hits the egg on the side of the glass bowl, instead of cracking it, the egg smashes completely in his hands, the power emitted from his muscles making it hard for him to be gentle.  I try to stifle a giggle as he curses under his breath, reaching for the cloth by the kitchen sink to clean up the mess.

-“That’s not how you do it” I say, smirking at him as I lean against the doorframe.

His head snaps around to face me, his eyes startled, but he quickly regains his cool. He grins at me as I walk over to him, my arms crossed over my chest. I lean against the side board of the kitchen, his eye brows raised at me.

Jordan moves backwards, allowing me in front of him. I pick an egg from the box in the cupboard above my head, as he steps forwards, wrapping his arms around my waist, making me smile. I gently tap the egg against the side of the glass bowl, cracking the shell and emptying the egg into the bowl. I turn around in Jordan’s arms and smile up at him.

-“That’s how you do it. Have you ever even cracked an egg before?!” I say laughing as he shakes his head at me, grinning. I stand on my tip-toes and kiss him lightly on the nose, giggling.

-“What are you even doing!?” I question laughing.

-“Trying to bake a cake,” Jordan says, grinning sheepishly, looking down at the floor.

-“Awww, you’re so cute. Why?” I say, reaching up and wrapping my arms around his neck.

-“Girls like baking cakes, right?” Jordan questions, smiling down at me.

-“Pffft. Yeah, and girls like rainbows and unicorns too,” I say sarcastically. –“I take it you haven’t baked a cake before,” I ask. Jordan looks down again.

-“The last time I baked a cake was with Indie, when I was twelve,” Jordan says, the sparkle in his eyes disappearing.

-“You look good in my clothes,” He says, cheekily, the familiar glint in his eyes returning. I shake my head at him, looking down at the ground.

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