~Chapter One~

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"Everyone keep saying she's the most beautiful one..." Daki mumble in frustration in her room. Daki was one of the most beautiful girl in their town, everyone admire her even her rudeness: they still admire her beauty.

She planned it to be that way forever but there was this girl name Y/n. Little does Daki knows, she's undercover as a number one assassination, always catching people's attention by beauty. 

She became Daki's competition...Ever since this girl Y/n came into this town, Daki have never ever wanted to get rid of someone so badly. She could eat her and get rid of her for good but there was something just stopping her from doing so.

"Did you hear about that beautiful girl that came in this town?" One of the girls turn around to look at her other friends.

"Oh yeah I saw her the other day and she's so pretty." The one smile so big.

"I heard she might come to this house." One says.

"She'll probably will leave the district pretty quick."

"I don't know... what if she become ashinuke?" the first girl says a bit quietly.

"Don't you ugly brats have better things to do than gossiping?" Daki catches the four girls' attention from the behind. Neither heard her walking up to them.

Terrified, that's all they were. Terrified. Of course the orian has no respect for anyone, not even the owner of the house and no girls even dare to mess up or anything that'll displease "Warabihime". Her disguise name.

"Warabihime Oiran we were just talking about this new girl, she might come to this house. I also heard she's so close becoming an oiran too."

Watching from above, his red orbs looking down at Y/n in undercover as the moon's light hit against his pale skin. Y/n was perfect, her assassination skills, her fast skills, her everything. Muzan have been watching Y/n for a quite for awhile. He ordered Daki to meet up with him.

"Hello my dear, how are you?"

"Lord Muzan, you came back." She smile as she bow to him after entering the room he has to meet up.

"I see you're still devouring humans, you're going to become so strong." Muzan says, looking down at his upper moon. "I have a task for you and your brother, Gyutaro." He stand up from his seat walking over where she's bowing. 

"Yes lord Muzan?" Daki look up her master at his powerful eyes. She didn't think her brother would need to be involved. "I need you two to follow this girl and get her to be on our side, train her. Complete the mission, mark my words that you'll be even stronger than now." 

"Yes master, who's the girl?"

"Y/n L/n."

Her whole expression change slightly, Daki knew who exactly she is and wanted no business with her, Daki despise Y/n. Why all Y/n out of all the girls or guys? What does he want with Y/n? What's so special about her?

"I'll give you bit more information and you'll be dismiss."


"Why her?! Once I get her then we'll begin." Daki mumble underneath her breath as she enters her room after visiting Muzan, watching out the window there's Y/n in her beautiful kimino in disguise... Daki got to admit it's kinda pretty but will never be beautiful as hers. 

How will Daki even get Y/n to be on their side. In order for the plan to succeed, she'd have to come to the Kyogoku House. Y/n walking around have no idea what's coming to her way.

 Daki doesn't like anyone but herself, master said to be nice to get her to be on our side. "What does he want with her?" is the question Daki keep thinking. 

Daki sat in her room and think all day.

"We're so happy that you can be with us Y/n! We've been looking forward for you to be here!" The owner smile so delight. 

"Yes, I'm honored to be here." Y/n smiles, knowing her next mission is to assassinate the next special client. Just standing in a room, she could already sense something isn't right and it's not part of the plan. 

"I'm terribly sorry but we're going to have you share with someone for the time being... til then, you'll have your own room." The house owner look a bit worried. "Um she can be-"

"Hello, nice to meet you..." Y/n cut the house owner off, her back face toward to the demon standing behind her.

"Oh Warabihime... this is Y/n."

The demon stand there quietly. "Warabihime, Y/n have to share a room with you for the time being."

She knew I was standing behind her, she's a decent assassination.

"You're even uglier up close." Warabihime said walking away. 

A sigh came from the house owner, "Don't mind her, actually we can put you in a different room."

"No, it's okay. I don't mind." Y/n smiles at the house owner.

"Great, we'll start tomorrow."

Y/n walk to her new room at her new house, she open the door to the room to her new room. The windows were all covered up but for what?

"Oh Y/n, you already got a client! He'll see you in the afternoon." One of the younger girl came in the room delivering the message from the house owner.

"What's his name?" Y/n ask, looking at the small girl standing in front of her.

"Haru, miss Y/n." She answer.

"Okay, thank you for reporting it." Y/n smiles before shutting the door behind her.

Tomorrow is when everything starts...

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