~Part Fourteen~

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"Gyutaro..." I lean in again to feel his lips again, the sound of a lot of crackling and a loud whistle going up the sky and making a loud explosion with crackles. I pull back and look up at the pretty sparkling fireworks to lighten up the place, looking back at Gyutaro which his eyes seem to never leave my face.

"No one kissed me before... why did you do it?" Gyutaro's eyes became gentle looking at Y/n, he was told he was ugly, disgusting, hideous... so what made Y/n have a liking to him? It is all so confusing to him. "You kissed me too, why did you do it?" Y/n gives him a small smile. 

Y/n intertwines her fingers into Gyutaro's while breaking bodies connection, walking him back to the bench they were sitting on. Looking up at the fireworks, the moment is just too perfect. Y/n rest her head onto Gyutaro's rough shoulder and rest her eyes. "I like you... Gyu," Y/n mumbles almost too low for Gyutaro to hear but he heard it all.

While him watching the fireworks, he starts to hear a soft little snore from the young female, he knew she was asleep. He shifts quick enough to have her in a bridal position so she doesn't wake up from her slumber. Quick enough to take off his shirt and sickles hanging onto his sides. Her rice-balls sitting in her hands. 

Walking back to their so call 'home', Gyutaro enters her room while she's still in his arms and about to set her on top of the futon - doesn't bother to change her clothes since it doesn't really matter.

"Stay." Y/n slowly opens her eyes, recognizing where they were. 

"No, I'm going out to eat. Just go to sleep," I turn my back onto her and walk out without giving her a chance to say anything. "What a pain..." I mumble underneath my breath. What's bothering me is I can't really gain feelings and she can't really have feelings for me. 

Walking out of the house where Y/n is sound asleep, "Go get me the damn-" looking over at the man shouting at a woman. He begins to shove her til she bursts into tears, can't tell what he looks like but his outfit reminds me of someone... the one who had the audacity making my blood boil earlier. 

A small smirk forms my face, transporting behind the man who is now kicking her, without him noticing. The girl began whimpering and not taking her eyes off me, "What the hell are you looking at?!" The man gripping onto her hair and yanking. 

"Behind you..." She barely let it out, the small woman's chest stopped moving, bruises on her peach skin. Too bad, she looked good in her pink kimono.

The brown hair abusive man turns his head around to see the tall demon looking down at him, holding onto his wife's decreased hair. Gyutaro flick the male's neck, "was that suppo-" blood squirting everywhere, he punctured a hole in the male's neck. This was making the demon let out a small chuckle. "Just rot in hell, remember that Gyutaro sent you." 

Hungrily eating the disgusting man along with the female on a porch, been awhile he ate about five people in one night. The two who died outside of their house and then the small family he's eating right now.

"Kinda nice out here... how close is she now?" The voice he knew was watching him for a while. 

"You already know we haven't trained yet Daki, you've been watching until the sunset settled. Why are you here?" Gyutaro stops eating and looks up at Daki leaning on the rail next to the porch.

"Lord Douma has been watching you also, watching her since she's a prey. He's ready to eat her whenever the Master says it's okay," Daki sits next to Gyutaro and looks down, letting her eyes wonder. "Honestly so annoying that him trying to get on Akaza's nerves, he'll be on yours too. I'm sure he's going to want to fight with you also, possibly Y/n, and will accidentally kill her."

Gyutaro quietly listens to what his sister has to say. "Let's go, we need to go see Akaza."

"Y/n!" Daki's screeches that made you wake up, which succeeds in waking you up. "What the..." Slowly opening your eyes to see Gyutaro and Daki looking down at you, Gyutaro holding onto his sickles. "Y/n, Daki and I are going to be gone for a couple days. Whatever you do, don't do something stupid, keep the doors and windows lock. If there's an emergency, you have to go to the town and stay in the hotel that is away from the windows." Gyutaro said it very sternly, knowing Douma will try to do something.

"Here's some money for whatever you need, it's the least I can do." Daki sets a small pouch on the desk making the coins making noises from rubbing one to another. Sitting up quickly, "Wait, how long will you be gone for?"

"It'll be about 3 days, hopefully." After that, they left and no where to be seen. Leaving Y/n alone.

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