~Chapter Ten~

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A perfectly wrapped box on my nightstand, waking up from my slumber the box was the first thing I noticed. Throwing the comforter off of me and taking a huge stretch, I let out a groan. Getting up and making up the comforter, looking at the made box wondering if it's for me. My feet hits the cool wooden floor as I walk over to the box, seeing a letter. 

" I'm on another mission, I'll be back by tonight. Don't leave the cottage unless it's necessary. " Gyutaro going on a mission, his handwriting was more of a scribble as he was in a hurry. 

Walking over to my usual pond as the sunlight hits my skin, the weather is getting cooler each day and what's even better is that at night it's at the perfect temperature. Putting my clothes in the pond and begin to do laundry, begin to daydream a bit. 

What caught my attention is children shouting nearby, I drop my things and look at the direction where the screaming is coming from. Begin to jog into the wood and following the screams, in the distance I see children playing with sticks as if they were swords. 

"Hey who's the lady?" One of them looked over I was, taking their eyes off the person they were playing. Two little boys look like couple of 10 years old, one wearing a blue sweater and the other wearing a green sweater. Smudges all over their white pants, dried mud smears on both of their cheeks and both hair are messy. The blue sweater boy has brown eyes with brown hair, the other one has brown hair as well along with brown eyes.

"Hello! I haven't seen you around here before." The green one walks up to me, "Are you going to the festival tonight?"

"Hey mom said no talking to strangers, Kanay!" The blue one whines and follows the green one. I notice the town isn't so far from here, "Are you guys from the town from over there?" I look down at them and point behind them where the town is. 

"Yeah, you're a lady- so wait, what are you doing here instead of getting for the night festival?" the green one said, assuming his name is Kanay. 

"What do you mean?" I slightly tilted my head, looking at both young males. 

"Tonight is the night where all of the ladies get dressed up and dance to find their soulmate," the boy explains, "All women dance with a man to see if they're soulmates, like if they click and it starts tonight and continue again tomorrow night if you haven't found a soulmate."

"Oh, yeah I don't think that's something I'm interested in." I look at the boys. 

"But don't you want to find your soulmate?" the other boy speaks up. I stay quiet for a second, "maybe I'll come check it out. What time?"

After saying goodbyes to the boys and making sure they head back before dark, I unhook my damp clothes off of the rack since they're dry from air-drying. Heading back inside to start sweeping the floor.

Hearing the door squeak open, "Hey Gyutaro, you're back." I stop sweeping and look over at the green-hair male. This is my chance to ask him to go out, "pack your things, we're going to be on a move." Gyutaro look through the window and staring whatever was in the wood. 

"Okay, hey Gyutaro there's something I want to ask..." I get my things together making sure I'm not leaving anything behind. "I was wondering if we can go to that town tonight?" I look over at him as I put my jacket on. 

"That's where we're staying, let's go. Don't forget to grab that box, it's from Daki." Gyutaro opens the door knowing I'm right behind him. Holding the perfect wrapped box and holding it in my arm following behind Gyutaro, stepping on the porch as I shut the door behind us. "Y/n," Gyutaro turns around, making eye contact with me. 

I let out a hum for a small response, next thing I know I was in his arms. His one arm around my back and the other arm around the bend in my knees, body against body. 

This is the closest I've gotten to Gyutaro.

"This will be the fastest way to get there, is there a reason why you wanted to go to the town?" Gyutaro jumps on a tree branch and begins to run, hopping from tree to tree. Basically leaping but his grip on me tightens a bit, giving me warm feelings in my stomach. 

"Well, these little boys from the town basically told me there's this tradition where the singles females have couple nights to find their other half, so I told them I would check them out."

He stays quiet for a moment, bright lights in the town are getting closer and closer. "You really don't want to find 'your other half' do you? Even though it's pointless..." He mumbled the last part but still knew what he said.

"Um, I don't know, but it would be nice if I met someone... someone to connect and bond, have a meaningful relationship. Wouldn't you like that too?" I shift more comfortably in his strong arms.

"Hmm, that's one of the things I don't care about because I've never been in a relationship with anyone and I wouldn't want to be in one." He said coldly in the last part, he knows I like him. We both know what's coming and we both know it's not worth doing anything because well, it doesn't matter in the end. "Y/n... we can't be a thing for many good reasons."

My heart feels like it shatters in a million pieces even though, I knew this was coming. "What if it does work...?" I look up at the strong, green-hair male holding me.

He takes a second before answering... "Even if it did work, it just wouldn't. Our Master wouldn't approve of it and neither would Daki, plus I don't think you really like me and just try to fool me. I'm not an idiot Y/n."


 "We're here." 


It'll be better in the next one, apologies for the slow update.

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