~Chapter Five~

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"Where are we going?" I broke the silence, ever since Gyutaro said he was going to train me it been nothing but silence between us. He told me to follow him but he haven't told me where we were going. 

The night was cool and bit chilly, but the moon was so big and beautifully shine through the trees. You could almost see your surrounding with the moon's light. 

"We're going to this old cottage that Daki and I stayed in when it was daylight." His hoarse voice answered my question. I wonder what his past story before becoming a demon. Now I think about it, I don't think demons remember their past.

Questions now popping in my head wondering with becoming a demon and how it works, do they ever sleep? Do they get bothered by the weather? Why don't they remember the past? Does this means I won't remember my past but remember know what's my duty? Well, I hope not because there's few things I'll like to remember.

Every moment of seeing how beautifully bright the moon shone when I was either traveling or completed the mission, happened to look up the moon. If I was a rock then I would rather be the moon, the sad man on the moon. 

But, there's other things I would like remembering such as having good laugh at bars or treating myself with a delicious meal that I devour. I'm not cold heart like most other assassination, I do have some feelings but really good at hiding it. Most assassination are either really cold heart or have some feelings like me. 

The last time someone showed some emotions, they got the beating of the boss' choice so ever since no one showed a slightest emotions unless they were on missions or someone they really trusted. 

We were just toys to them, they don't care how we feel, they don't care about anything as long you get the job done. 

Make you do this til' you can't no more...

When I was a little kid, there was a man in his early 70's and he was really nice to me since I was a kid. His name was Suna Mochi. He gotten slower and weaker, got beatings for it too... one day we were playing cards on his bed and I heard the top ranks coming down into our bunker shouting for Suna. Suna knew what was coming... he looked at me and smile, word mouthing everything will be okay. I didn't know what was coming. 

Once the upper assassin found him, I begin rambling questions what was happening. "It'll all be okay... don't worry Y/n, promise me you'll become strong Y/n!" He yell enough for me to hear him. I kept asking what was happening. 

He was dragged outside out of our bunkers and roughly got pushed down. "Wait, wait," he looked at the upper ranks as they raised their sword, they stopped raising it... "Promise me you'll become strong Y/n!" He look over at me. 

Tears forming in his eyes. 

Tears forming in mine.

"Yes! I promise I'll become strong like you one day!" I yell from the door of the bunker. He mouthed "good girl..."

"Take her away guys!" Suna shouted, clearly wasn't talking to me, I looked behind me to see the older guys watching this all happening, I looked back at Suna... sword was rising even more. I panicked, I screamed the top of my lungs for them to stop but the other assassin knew to stop me from running toward them otherwise I would be next. I was pushed back into the shelter screaming for him...

My last words to him that I was going to be strong like him and I kept that promise. I do miss him a lot, teasing him that he was getting older and weaker, did runs with him every early mornings. He was my family.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice was raised at me, I snap out of it returning into the reality. I look our surrounding to see Gyutaro in front of me. "What were you thinking that made you start tearing up?" Gyutaro showed a concern expression on his face.

I didn't noticed that my eyes were teary, "Oh, it's nothing." I wipe my eyes off in embarrassment. 

He let out a small hum, "Well we're here." Gyutaro turn around walking to the small cottage, I walk up behind him and looking around our surrounding. I noticed the sun was about to rise from the horizon, how long have we been walking?

We're definitely very far from Daki. Gyutaro open the front door and entering, I walk in behind him. I shut the door behind us, I turn around to see Gyutaro just standing in the small living room. 

It's one whole big room to be honest, from where you were standing, there's a decent living room with a love sofa with a fireplace on the right. On the left there is a kitchen with couple cabinets, little pot to boil water but big enough to make food for two. 

Straight ahead is two doors closed.

I walk over to the door on the left, twisting the knob to open it and once I open it, it's just two person futon with a small desk right next to it. A decent closet in the corner of the room. I let go of the handle and look back to see Gyutaro closing the last window with a thick curtain.

I walk over to the other door and it was just locked.

"Mm, oh yeah that door is locked..." Gyutaro's voice echoed the cottage.

"It's so small and dusty." I said looking around from where I'm standing, "Also when we start training?" I walk over to the kitchen and leaning on the counter. The slim demon sigh, "we can't train til your injury is heal, it'd be useless if we train right now while you're injured. Once you're heal and not so weak, then we'll start." 

"I'm not weak. Oh, what if we just tried?" 

"No." he said in annoyance.

"C'mon, it wouldn't hurt if we tried."

"I said no!" He scratch his chest in frustration causing his flesh to open.

"Doesn't that hurt-?" I watch his wounds heal up.

"At least give me a task then! Something will help in training." 

Next thing I know he's in my face, too close in fact. He's pretty fast, I'm fast but I'm not that fast, meaning I'm not even close to his level, he's way better than Daki too. It's more like Daki is holding him back otherwise he'd be more upper.

 I noticed his hand on my waist where's the wound is, "ask again and you're going to get it. Want to do something then clean this place otherwise shut up." He give me warning.


Yeah this chapter is pretty crappy but I couldn't think anything else ( just distracted with my personal life). I'll do better on the next one, also my goal is to get up to 1,000+ words so it'll take a bit longer. 

Her (Gyutaro x F-Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon