~Chapter Four~

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"Aw, Daki you got a kinai in your head." I hear the male demon speak, currently on top of me and close to breaking my arm behind my back. Daki groan in frustration pulling the kinai out of her head and tossing it on the side, "That's Y/n, she's the one." Daki said to the other demon.

I feel him releasing his grip on me, I let out a small groan and patiently waiting for him to get off of me. "So you're Daki's brother, upper rank 6?" I finally spoke up.

"I don't appreciate you throwing a kanai at my sister's head." He said as he got of me and standing by Daki.

"Yeah well I have a reason to." I dust the dirt off of my face and body, I look up at the male demon. He's relatively tall man of a somewhat muscular build with a black-dotted, pale grayish, arms and legs were all extremely muscular where his waist was incredibly skinny, his pelvis jutting out at an unnatural angle.

 He possessed thin, green and red eyes, their sclera bright orange, that were slanted drastically downwards at the sides, the kanji for "Upper Rank" carved across them like Daki's. He has unruly black hair that cut sharply off to a brighter green around the crown of his head, worn messily styled with uneven bangs and several ahoges. 

His body and face has noticeable ink-like markings in the form of black spots on his body and a flowing water-like pattern on his face.

He's wearing no shirt, only sporting a pair of baggy blue pants and seven pieces of pattern red cloth to decorate his body, one large one around his neck and three smaller ones around each arm.

"Oh yeah, what was the reason you useless piece of shit!" Daki yell at me, acting like a child. Why she so mad that I almost won? What a brat.

"I knew you were telling the truth but I wanted to see your brother, plus it's not like I have much of a choice joining you guys, do I?" I get up on my own two feet, looking at both of them. I notice warm fresh blood slowly making their way out of side of my waist, forearm, and on right thigh. 

In fact both of the noticed before I did since they're both demons. "Ugh, your blood smell awful." Daki scrunch up her face meanwhile the other isn't showing any expression or saying anything. 

 "You coated the kania with wisteria flower..." 

 I look at the green hair male, "That's correct but that was my last one that coated with it. I lost my other ones on the way coming here." 

"Gyutaro, we need to talk." Daki stand up looking at her brother name... Gyutaro. I walk over to the logs and sitting down, looking the one on my thigh which is fine, needed to be wrap up. Look the one on my forearm which is also fine. Lift up my shirt to my waist, the damn sashes cut one off them too deep. 

Taking off my jacket and pulling out my thread and needles. I put the needle over the fire and heat it up the tip of it, looking over at the siblings which they are definitely having disagreements. I sigh and lifting my shirt up again, looking at it again. 

If I was a demon then I don't have to do this is. I grab my drinking water out of jacket, pouring it on my wound to rinse the dirt off. Grabbing the thread and putting into the eye of the needle, ready to sew... the part I hated the most, I hate needles.

I press the needle against my skin and begin to stitch my skin together. 

"What! No I am going back!" I hear Daki yell, man she need to stop being so damn loud. 

"No, he said we do it together Daki." Gyutaro guy snap back, obvious he's annoyed. 

"We can contact each other far away Gyutaro... please brother, do it this once. I'll visit you soon." Dake begin to lower her voice. I don't mean to eavesdropping but if Daki wasn't so damn stubborn or loud.

I hear them talking quietly, I finish up stitching and put my needle and thread back into my small aid kit. I put my jacket back on and looking at them, she begin to walk away from Gyutaro and him walking over to me.

"You're Gyutaro correct?" I ask once he got a bit closer. He let out a hum, annoyed. 

"Where's Daki going?" i ask him another question.

"Change of plan, I'm going to be the one training you."


yesss i'm so excited for the next part!

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