Blank Page

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Blank page 
I want to write on it 

Blank page 
I've got nothing for you 

Blank page 
I need some lead on it 

Blank page 
I've got no words to write 

White paper 
With faded lines across your face 

White paper 
I want to fill you up 

White paper 
Boldly staring me in the face 

White paper 
I turn and look away 

Empty notebook 
Slowly being filled up by me 

Empty notebook 
My only escape from this world 

Empty notebook 
Your jaded lines calling my name 

Empty notebook 
My only saving face 

White paper 
You're going to see more of me 

Empty notebook 
You're going to feel like I do 

Blank paper 
You'll be empty no longer; wait. 

Blank Page 
That's all I had for you...

The Darkness Within: Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now