Author's Note

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Hey guys!!! Wow, my first note in this book!! Yay!! 

Alright, let's get down to business. 

I finished my second notebook-- thank you, thank you, and a certain thought struck me. I don't want to make this book waaaaaaaay too long, so I was thinking: 

"Hey, I have an idea." 

"Oh, yeah? What is it?" 

"It's a great idea, you'll love it." 

"So?? Tell me what it is!" 

"It's really good-" 

"Enough about it and just tell me what it is already!" 

"Okay, okay, geez, keep your coat on. I was thinking of dividing the book into separate parts, like one notebook one book. So you'll have two complete TDWs, and one new one, since you started a new notebook. How about it?" 

"Hmm, not bad. Not bad at all. But you do know that I was already thinking about removing all poems with the theme of love and collecting them all into one separate book, right?" 

"And I was thinking about unpublishing a few poems I don't completely like, but here we are." 


So? What do you say, guys? A/B/C/AC/BC/Neither? Lemme know down below! I can't settle this debate alone, (trust me- I tried) so any thoughts will be greatly appreciated! 

Grazie mille, 

Liam ~💕

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