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A little longer, I said 

It's going to be okay 

I held on as I bled 

Praying for the light of day 

The night got darker still 

The knife getting sharper still 

The blade was as cold as ice 

When I had to pay the price 

Just a little longer, I chanted in my head 

I should've been finding a way out instead 

Uncertainty filled the road ahead 

Dark as the night sky over my head 

Just a little longer, it's going to be okay 

That's all I ever hear myself say 

The blade's getting closer, it's coming my way 

I'm waiting for love to take me away 

My skin's growing colder with each passing day 

The fire in my heart slowly dimming away 

I'm praying for someone to find me today 

I'm holding on but still bleeding everyday 

The water is pulling gently at my feet 

I'm almost willing it take me to bed

I hear the depths: They call my name 

As from the riverbanks my life drips red 

Death held out his hand for me to take 

Life held on to mine to keep me awake 

As tempted as I am, I know what's at stake 

Please, quickly come find me, for love's sake

The Darkness Within: Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now