DNF: Do You Trust Me?

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"Should I tweet it? I feel like most people are awake right now. I'll drop it and just leave Twitter for the night." Dream said, hovering over the 'tweet' button.

George shrugged. "If you want to. You sure I shouldn't be announcing something myself?"

"I mean, you already announced when your Visa got approved, so they knew you'd be coming to Florida sometime very soon after that." Dream replied.

"Okay, send the Tweet." George said back.

"It isss...sent." Dream said, grinning.

New Tweet From dreamwastaken:

george is in florida and this is not a joke. you guys will believe me tomorrow...no more 'soon'

"I guess we better get to taking some pictures then, huh?" Dream said, putting his phone on airplane mode to avoid the Twitter mentions for a few hours.

"Okay, four pictures seems like the perfect amount for this post. We can always post more on our alts or something later, but four is good for now. So I was thinking for the first picture, we could just stand next to each other and look at each other in surprise. Like a 'What's George doing in Florida?!' kind of picture." George said, standing up from the couch.

"Do you have all the pictures planned out, you lunatic?" Dream asked, joking.

"Yes, I do." George replied seriously. "I spent a whole year waiting for my Visa to get approved. I have thought about how I wanted these pictures to look for legit months."

Dream giggled, smiling at George. "Okay. We'll go with what you think would be the best, then, cuz I honestly hadn't thought this far out yet."

"So the second picture should be us touching, to prove that we're actually next to each other and not photoshopped together. So like, a high five or something? I dunno." George commented.

"Okay...What else?" Dream asked.

"The third picture should absolutely have Patches in it. The fans love seeing Patches, and honestly who wouldn't love seeing her? She's adorable." George said.

"Okay, that's true, that's a good idea. And the last picture...?" Dream asked hesitantly.

"You already know what I wanna do for the last picture..." George said, peering at Dream from the other side of the room.

Dream chewed at his bottom lip, looking back at George. "You really think that's a good idea?"

George shrugged. "Why wouldn't it be a good idea?"

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