Karlnap: My Neighbor Tutor (Part One)

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: im thinking about making some of these oneshots into multiple parts, or starting mini stories from them. please comment and let me know if this sounds like a good idea, and if there are any oneshots from this collection (dnf or karlnap) that you think NEED a part two or NEED to be continued on!

sooo VOTE FOR A PART TWO cuz i think this oneshot would make a good multiple-part mini story :D

Karl sighed, staring at his laptop blankly and attempting to get his tired hands to move across the keyboard: he was officially on hour three of his calculus homework. Karl's vacant stare was caught by his brother, who was sitting across the room watching TV.

"Karl, it's almost ten. How much longer are you gonna spend on that stupid homework? You promised you'd play a game of Mario Kart with me hourssss ago." Karl's little brother pouted.

"Ughh, I know. I'm sorry. I've been stuck on this last problem for so long. I'm almost a month into this class and I still don't even know what half of these terms mean...what even is a...derivative?" Karl asked.

His little brother shrugged. "I dunno, I'm only in 5th grade...Hey Karl? When I go to the high school, am I gonna have to take cal-cu-lus too?"

Karl chuckled. "Only if you're stupid like me and overwork yourself with classes that you know you won't be able to pass."

The night went on very slowly, and when Karl looked over at his clock, it was almost midnight. Most people would have just given up at this point, but Karl was determined to get a good grade on this homework, because he wanted to get his grades up before the long weekend coming up.

Karl then remembered he had the phone number of only one person in that class: Sapnap. Sapnap had just moved one street over from Karl's house- Karl new this because they were on the same school bus.

Sapnap was smart, respectful, and really handsome as well, in Karl's opinion. Karl wasn't sure if Sapnap was also into guys (or if Sap had even done the homework yet) but Karl would take the gamble that at least one of those things were true. He wasn't sure which one, though.


11:53 pm

"hey sapnap this is karl from cp calculus. are you as lost on the hw as I am??? D:"

Sapnap responded back in less than a minute. Karl figured Sap answered so quickly because he had already finished the homework and was just on his phone before going to sleep.

sapnap (calc)

11:53 pm

"Hi Karl. Haha no, I didn't think it was too hard. How much of it did you get done?"


11:54 pm

"most of it, stuck on the last few though..."

sapnap (calc)

11:54 pm

"I can FaceTime and try to help you if you want?"


11:58 pm

"i can't facetime or call actually. my grades are shitty so my parents took away a lot of my phone 'privileges'. i'm technically not even supposed to be texting right now but whatever."

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