DNF: Noise Complaint (Part Three)

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hi friends! i'm thinking of making this oneshot series into a mini short story on my wattpad page. this would mean i could develop the chapters more and make the storyline more bulky, but it would also mean you'd get less oneshots posted in 'bathing in moonlight'...lmk what you guys think.

i'm also curious how many of you use a03 as well as wattpad. if you do use another reading website/application, comment which one!!

vote for this chapter if you've enjoyed the 'noise complaint' oneshots so far!


1:58 pm

"hey, can i stop over whenever u get back from ur 2 pm class?? have a favor to ask"

George smiled down at his phone screen, waiting for his Biology class to start. He set his phone face down, trying to wait to respond to Dream so he didn't look clingy, but he gave in still:


2:01 pm

"Sure, sounds good."

George decided his reply was casual enough, but not too casual that Dream would find it too passive. Maybe George was overthinking this, but he didn't actually know what was going on between him and Dream.

It had been over a month since they first met- ate Mexican food, got high together and fucked. Since then, they had seen each other at least once a day, if not multiple times a day. George would help Dream with his computer repair business, or Dream would help George with his coursework, or they'd get high and watch animal documentaries, or they'd take turns every few days relieving each other's 'stress'.

George didn't mind the hangouts, or the random sex (he needed it sometimes so he could fully relax), though he couldn't help but be confused by Dream's mixed signals.

Were the two of them just friends? Friends with benefits? Dating? Probably not dating, George assumed, but either way, he couldn't tell. Dream seemed to not know what their relationship was as well, or at least he pretended like he didn't know.

George thought back on the time when, just a few days previous, Dream had showed up at George's front door, bearing a card and a bunch of multi-colored party balloons.

George had answered the door, smiling at Dream's surprise visit, then looked down at the gifts in Dream's hands.

"What's all this?" George asked, inviting Dream inside his apartment.

Dream followed behind George, closing the apartment door behind them and setting the gifts down on the kitchen counter.

"I know you said you're really weird about birthdays and don't like celebrating them, buuuut birthdays used to be a really big deal in my family when I was little, and I...I got you a few things." Dream said, already making himself at home by throwing his body down onto George's couch.

George gathered the presents, rolling his eyes and sitting down next to Dream.

"Dream, you didn't have to get-"

"I know I didn't have to get you anything," Dream interrupted. "...but I did. Open the card!"

George looked at the card, encapsuled by a light blue envelope with 'To George :)' written in the center.

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