Karlnap (Smutshot): Impatient

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THIS CHAPTER IS RATED 'M' FOR MATURE AUDIENCES (contains sexually explicit content)

Sapnap got in his car and connected his phone to his car speakers, queueing some songs to listen to on the way to run some errands. He and his boyfriend Karl really needed to go food shopping, but Karl had a headache when he woke up that morning, so Sapnap decided he'd go out and do the shopping himself.

Even though their favorite grocery store was a half hour away, it was worth it because that store had the best loaves of bread in the area. And it was Saturday which meant that later that night, Sapnap and Karl were going to have a date night, so baked chicken parmesan and fresh Italian bread were an absolute must.

Shopping List

o chicken

o bread

o eggs

o broccoli

o beer

o milk

o those cookies i like in the green packaging!! please, baby :D -karl <3

Sapnap reread the grocery list once more, chuckling to himself over how cute his boyfriend was, before heading off to the store.

It was a really nice day outside: the sun shone a pale yellow that casted onto the cars and mailboxes in the neighborhood, the birds were flying about trying to find food, and some of the kids from down the street were having a race to see who could ride their bike faster.

Sapnap smiled at the kids as he slowly drove past them: he's always loved kids. He has several younger siblings and oftentimes took on the responsibility of watching over them.

Sap and Karl had been dating for almost three years now, and living together for a few months. Soon it would be time for Sapnap to propose to Karl (or the other way around, Sapnap didn't really mind either way), and maybe after that they'd adopt some kids. Sapnap smiled to himself, just picturing the image of his future with Karl in his head.

Sapnap was lost in thought, still driving to the grocery store, when he realized that he forgot his wallet at his house.

"Shit." Sap said out loud, immediately pulling into an empty parking lot and turning around to head home.

When Sap arrived back at home he found his wallet right away in the entryway, where they keep their wallets, keys, and shoes.

"Hi babe, it's just me." Sapnap called out to Karl, who was in their bedroom down the hall with the door shut.

Sap didn't hear an answer, so he went further down the hallway closer to the closed bedroom door, because maybe Karl didn't hear him.

"I just forgot my wallet..." Sapnap said, waiting for Karl to respond.

Still no answer.

Then Sapnap heard something from inside their bedroom that made his heart sink. Sap pressed his ear up against the door to make sure he was hearing right.

Karl was listening to loud music, moaning and breathing heavily, and Sap could hear the bedframe banging against the wall.

He faked a headache to cheat on me by fucking some random guy in OUR bed while I was gone?! Sapnap thought.

Sapnap listened for a few more seconds, literally frozen and not knowing what to do.

"Oh my god, just like that, baby." Karl said, louder this time.

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