Karlnap: My Neighbor Tutor (Part Four)

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the news is out. these multi-part oneshot chapters "karlnap: my neighbor tutor" are becoming their own short story!! after this chapter, i will be making "karlnap: my neighbor tutor" its own book (it will be a short story containing ten chapters). this will be my first karlnap-only story i've posted. i hope y'all love it.

i will keep parts 1-4 up in "bathing in moonlight", but the whole story (parts 1-10) will be posted as a separate book on its own. expect new chapters to be released weekly for this.

i'm going to post a message on my conversations page detailing more about this later, but for now i wanted to tell y'all the good news. hope you enjoy this chapter!

Karl awoke to the sound of sing-song birds chirping right outside his bedroom window. His black-out curtains thankfully blocked the harsh rising sun from his eyesight. He laid on his stomach, snuggling his pillow with his arms, with one of his legs bent up by his hip.

He turned his head to the other side, his tired eyes landing on a still sleeping Sapnap beside him. A small smile arose on Karl's lips, as he watched Sapnap's chest gently rise up and down as he slept.

Karl got up slowly from his bed, grabbing his phone off the nightstand and checking the time. It was still pretty early- they didn't have to be at school until 7:45 am and it was just past 6 am.

Karl decided to make breakfast just for himself and Sapnap, since no one else in the house was up at that point.

He didn't know if Sapnap had any allergies or how picky of an eater he was, but he thought pancakes were probably a safe bet either way. After making the batter he looked in the fridge for any fresh fruit, and to his luck there were just a few strawberries left in a small container.

Karl ate his own plate of pancakes, then assembled Sapnap's breakfast: a glass of ice water, a short stack of chocolate chip pancakes, and a small bowl of fresh strawberries on the side.

While Karl was busy tidying up the living room and getting his backpack ready for school, he heard the stairs creaking. He walked back into the kitchen to find Sapnap's face hovering over the plate of pancakes, taking in their scent.

"These smell amazing." Sapnap commented, looking up from the pancakes to give Karl a genuine smile.

"They're for you! I got up really early, so...homemade breakfast." Karl replied, starting to wipe down the kitchen counters from the mess he had made in making the breakfasts.

"Thank you, Karl." Sapnap said, sitting down in front of his feast. "You're not gonna have any?"

"Oh, no. I already finished my food a little while ago." Karl said. "I'm gonna go upstairs and shower real quick."

"Can't you do that after? Come sit and watch me eat." Sapnap said, looking up from his plate at Karl with his sleepy eyes.

Sapnap patted the kitchen stool next to him, motioning for Karl to join him. Karl nervously chuckled, not being able to resist Sapnap's cute smile and messed up bed-hair.

Karl gave in, walking back over to the kitchen and sitting down in the chair directly next to Sapnap. They were both silent for a few seconds- Sapnap peacefully enjoying his delicious pancakes and Karl watching him, trying to think of what to say first.

"Did you sleep well?" Karl asked, shuffling around the salt and pepper shakers in front of him so he had something to do with his hands.

Sapnap nodded his head, his eyes widening. "Yes, oh my god. Your bed is so comfy. Is that memory foam, or whatever that's called?!"

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