This might be over...

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Hey, guys!

If you're wondering what's going on or why I am taking awhile to publish another chapter, it's because some certain things have occurred in my life that were surprising or weird and I've started doing new things. I have been busy, so that is another reason.

But what want to say or get out—I've been meaning to for a bit now—this story has probably ended in the last chapter... I am bored with the story and I have no idea where it is actually going towards or how it will end. I started the ending in the last chapter, but now it just seems bland and boring. And I honestly just don't want to write anymore of this story lol.

So I think I will discontinue it, guys. I'm really sorry.

But hey! I'm planning on writing another one; a less bland, actually thought out, and not obvious one I hope lol. So look out for that! (I'll start planning and thinking out the story... and then I'll actually have something worth ready lol).

I apologize again, my peeps 🙏

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