Chapter 10

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Ok so shamless promotion. I have three other storys as well and I think it would be great if you could maybe check them out too :)

ok you may read now lol

Lucy's P.O.V

A strange woman in a cloak stood at the doors of the guild. We all watched suspiciously as she strolled into the guild smiling.

"hello fairy tail" she said, the cheerfulness in her voice obviously strained. "I was hoping that a certain celestial mage might be here?"

Natsu stepped in front of me protectively. "why do you ask?" he asked growling a little.

The woman continued to smile as she put her hands up innocently. "I'm not here to bring harm, I'm just here to talk."

Natsu stepped to the side a little but still watched her cautiously. The strange woman walked closer to me and when she was in front of me her expression softened into what looked like a genuine smile.

"I've missed you so much" her face seemed to become gloomy as she spoke. "but I have brought you something." I was so confused. Who is she?

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a little box. "open it" she said as she handed me the box. I opened it and was shocked to find a gate key inside. The key was very strange looking, the color a dull gray and no symbol at the top. I removed the key from the box and turned it over in my hand a few times.

"um thank you?" I said still confused on what was happening.

The womans face all of a sudden became sad. "I'm sorry Lucy" was the last thing I heard as a bright light overtook my vision.

Natsu's P.O.V

all of a sudden a bright light erupted from the key and Lucy's eyes started to glow. In a flash Lucy had disappeared and the key fell to the floor. I blinked in shock before picking up the key, only to notice it had changed. It was now a pale gold color with a star at the end

'please... release me...'

I dropped the key when I heard those words in my head and the strange women picked it up.

"I'm so sorry but this must be done for the safety of the Heartfilia's" the woman said and disappeared, leaving a dust of sparkles and taking the key with her.

Mira's P.O.V

after the strange woman disappeared the guild went into a state of panic.

"ok everyone listen up!" Ezra yelled gathering the attention of the guild "are main objectives are to find Lucy and the strange women. I glanced over at Natsu, who was staring at the ground with a emotionless face, obviously deep in thought.

Third person P.O.V

"we will split up into teams and begin our search for Lucy here in magnolia then spread out to other towns if we can't find any leads" Erza continued "after Lucy is found we will search for the strange woman. Any objections to the plan?" Erza said challengingly. the guild members nodded there heads in agreement except for Natsu who walked forward to Erza and raised his hand.

"i think we're going about this wrong" he said seriously causing the guild members eyes to widen, including Erza's "Lucy isn't lost. She's trapped in the key. I say our best bet is to find that women and get Lucy plus some answers." the guild was still in shock as Natsu walked toward the guilds entrance. "if you want to save Lucy follow me" Natsu said with his back still turned.

"aye" happy said flying to Natsu's side.

Gray nodded and started to walk forward.

Erza clenched her fists before taking large steps towards Natsu.

Wendy and Carla exchanged a glance before following the others.

Levy deep in thought stood up from her seat, evident on her face.

"wait shrimp" Gajeel said standing up as well. "if your going I'm going too." levy smiled sweetly before nodded and taking Gajeel's hand and starting towards the door, with pantherlily not far behind.

As the team was gathered they all finally stepped out of the guild determined to find there guild mate, their nakama, their friend.

"don't worry Luce, we're comin"

I guarantee no one read what I said at the beginning of this chapter (v_v)

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