Chapter 13

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Natsu took a step back in shock. "It seems a lot of other celestial mages have been disappearing, The exceeds were taken as well." Sting said and looked down in despair, Balling his fist. Gray and Erza exchanged glances quickly and then they both looked at Natsu.

"Do you think Lucy has been kidnapped by the same person that kidnapped Yukino?" Erza said very loudly.

"You never know, But its highly likely." Gray said loudly as well. Sting looked at them both like they were crazy the noticed Natsu sniffing the ground intently.

Natsu jerked his head up suddenly and yelled, "This way!" and took of running into the woods.

"Lets go!" Erza yelled and ran after him. Gray looked back and Sting and Rogue and gestured them to follow. Natsu tore through trees and anything else in his path as he sped up his pace, with Erza close behind and Gray, Sting, and Rogue trying to catch up.

"Hey what's that up ahead?" Gray Shouted as he and the others caught up to Natsu.


"Amicus!" Caligo Yelled from the main foyer. Amicus ran in and fixed her hair as she stopped in front of him.

"Yes?" She replied and stood up straight.

"Its time for you to go get Lucy." He said and nodded his Head towards the room the held Caelum. "Our heaven is nearly complete." He said and placed his hand on her shoulder. "I'm counting on you." Amicus nodded her head and started on her way out when the doors was burned to ashes.

"Where's Lucy!" A dragon like roar rang through the entire castle. Natsu stood menacingly in the door way and Amicus pale. Caligo turned to Natsu and held his angry gaze. It was quiet and the tension built every minute and neither mage broke the eye contact.

"I'm... I'm gonna go." Amicus said and disappeared in a small cloud. After Amicus left Nastu's fists became inflamed and Caligo smirked.

"Challenge accepted." He said with a chuckle.


Amicus floated through the forest scanning the area for any signs of the key or celestial mage, for all she knows Lucy could have found a way out. As she came to a clearing she noticed a shimmer of light blind her slightly. She approached a stump that the light was coming from and saw the gold key. She grabbed it quickly and sighed in relief. "I'm so glad that I found you" She said and polished the key with her hand slightly. "Do you know how mad Caligo would have been if I hadn't found you." She sat down on the stump and let her shoulders relax. "Its been so long since I've gotten to sit down and rest, But I have to keep working!" She yelled and stood up with her fist in the air. She sat back down on the stumped and sighed sadly. "I'm sorry you have to die." She said to the key and held it up in front of her. "But you are the last thing we need to complete our plan. If it were up to me I wouldn't hurt you, But this is part of Caligo's dream, My dream, Our dream." Amicus stood back up and took off into the air slowly as she held the key tightly.

"You Know Caligo saved me. Back when I was young, My parents threw me out onto the streets. I thought I was unwanted, But then Caligo found me and told me he had a dream, a dream of nothing but happiness. He said if I helped him I would be happy too, Happy and never alone. So of course I followed him. He's amazing and powerful and I'm so proud to be his friend. Although I wish we were more than friends heh. You know Lucy, You may be trapped in a key, But you're a really good listener. I wish we could have been friends. We could have hung out together, ate food, gossiped about boys. I never got to do any of that, or at least I can't remember doing any of that. It's too bad... Maybe, After we create a new heaven, Caligo can bring you back to life! He told me he could do that. If you get brought back to life, we can do all that stuff I talked about. That would be so nice, you can be my very first best friend. Maybe if Caligo and I get married you can be a brides maid. You can me plan it and everything! Oh! what am I talking about, Caligo and I aren't even a couple... Yet!" Amicus lets out a little squeal and continues.

"What if Caligo and I had kids! They would be so cute! You could baby sit them when it was date night. You wouldn't mind right? of course not! Because we are going to be best friends. Best friends... Right?


Natsu took in a heavy breath and fell to one knee. he had bruises spotted all over his arms and he could feel himself beginning to lose power. He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep this up, What with the other mages in no better state than him. He was about to get up when the mage from before floated through the entrance that had previously been burned by him.

"I've got the key!" Amicus yelled and waved around a small key that held the celestial mage.

"Lucy!" Natsu yelled and made an effort to stand, but he couldn't gather the strength.

"No, Not for you." She said and floated past him. She made it to Caligo and held the key out to him. Caligo took it and smiled then patted her head.

"You've done well. Now, Gather these mages together for me. Amicus gathered the worn out mages up in the center of the room and waited for further instructions. Caligo lifted the mages with his magic and started making his way towards Caelum, Amicus following behind. Once in the room he set the mages down and walked towards the huge white doors.

"Are you ready." He said with an evil grin and slowly pushed them open.

Alright new chapter hellz yes. I got some stuff done finally. A little more character development from Amicus finally. I like her a lot honestly. welp, ya welcome.

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