Chapter 12

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Amicus P.O.V

I woke up and yawned, stretching my arms out. I sat up ans sleepily surveyed my room. Touching the floor and wincing at its coldness, I shuffled over to my closet. I pulled on a pair of black shorts and a red tank top. smiling at my full length mirror I did a little pose, placing my hand on my hip and shifting my weight to my left leg. I giggled and reached for the brush I had resting on a table by the mirror and ran it through my blond hair, struggling with some tangles, then placed it back down when I was finished. I grabbed the red ribbon Caligo had gotten for me a few weeks prior for my birthday and wrapped my hair up into a high ponytail. Smiling at my appearance I leaned forward and applied some mascara, I had also gotten from the side table, and batted my green eyes.

"Amicus!" Come on!"

"Oh! Coming!" I shouted and quickly slipped on some black combat boots. I opened my door to see Caligo standing there, leaning against the wall across from my door. I waved to him then shut the door behind me.

"You seem to be in a good mood." Caligo said plainly then started walking down the hallway, letting out a small yawn. I followed him and held my hands behind my back.

"I guess I just got a good nights sleep." I excitedly said. We continued down the hallway towards the main foyer till Caligo suddenly stopped.

"Say Amicus, Do you think you could run a little errand for me?" He asked and looking down at me.

"Of course! What can I do for you?" I asked enthusiastically. Caligo smiled and continued forward and I followed.

"I just need you to pick something up."

Natsu's P.O.V

"Why are we helping her" I asked frustrated. I watched Wendy crouch over the women who had previously put Lucy in a key.

"Because we aren't heartless." Erza said and stood with her arms crossed, a scowl on her face. She obviously wasn't too keen on helping the woman either.

"Maybe she'll tell us something when she wakes up." Gray suggested calmly.

"She better." I growled out. This is seriously not the position I wanted to be in right now.

Third Person

The woman stirred and Wendy backed away a little. She opened her eyes slightly and blinked slowly. "Are you alright?" Wendy asked with concern. The woman nodded and looked at the other mages.

"I would like to apologize." She mumbled while looking down.

"What the hell do you mean you're sorry?!" Natsu shouted and lurched forward threateningly towards her, which earned him a punch in the head from Erza.

"What might your name be?" Erza asked facing the woman who still lay on the ground.

"Cress." she said and slowly stood up.

"Please be careful." Wendy said and helped Cress steady herself on her own two feet, "You're still not fully healed."

"Healed or not we need some answers." Gray said angrily.

"And we need Lucy." Natsu added.

"Of course." Cress said and took a deep breath. "My name is Cress, as you know, and I am a very close friend of Layla, Lucy's mother. Layla has warned me of future dangers to come, so I took it upon myself to act on my own and protect Lucy."

"Future dangers? What kind of dangers?" Wendy asked slightly frightened.

"Wheres Lucy?!" Natsu shouted and got punched by Erza once again.

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