Chapter 15

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*Cough* *cough* Btw its my birthday to day *cough*

"I cant believe this worked out." Rana said while smiling. she jumped off a blue bed she had been laying on and walked over to Vulpe who sat in a chair that was facing a red bed.

"Yes, but not quite how we planned." Vulpe said and looked at the sleeping figure that was spread out on the bed. Rana pouted and rested her arms on her sisters shoulder.

"Yes, but... it still worked" Rana said with hope in her voice. Vulpe sighed and looked up at her. Rana tried to smile, but the more she looked over the sleeping body the more she realized what had happened. "It doesn't mater" Rana said, her voice cracking a little, "We still have our sister back."

Vulpe nodded and turned her attention back to the bed when she heard a groan. Rana gasped quietly as the figure sat up immediately, messy blond hair falling on the body's shoulders. "Hello sisters." The figure spoke.

"Hello luc- I mean... Felino."

So this is the official last chapter. I will be working on a second book for this so that should be up pretty soon. I'll probably post an update here when its done. also the thing at the beginning was totally not me telling you its my birthday because I'm alone and eating a whole cake. nope. I just thought you would like to know... any way. I hope you liked this first part and that when the second book is started, you'll read it. Bye bye ~

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