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Third person
1 month after the proposal.

Ein and pierce sit on a swing together, watching the sunset. "I've never been more happy" pierce says "the weddings tomorrow and all of our friends are invited!" Ein smiles as he listens to pierce explain how amazing the wedding is going to be. Ein puts his hand on pierces head and turns his head to pierces, then kissing him. Pierce kisses back and they sit on the swing, kissing for 1 minute until swung back into reality by Aphmau. "I'm so excited! Me and Kate are the flower girls~" Aphmau says as KC walks up, "i made the BEST wedding cake ever!" Ein was happy that all his friends supported him and pierces marriage, he was worried at first.

Kate runs up, "I can't wait for the babies!" Kate yells. "Oooh ooh, are you guys planing on adopting?" KC asks. "Well, we haven't really talked about that" Ein says looking at pierce. "Maybe" pierce says which makes Eins eyes light up. "I can't wait till the wedding!" Aphmau says. "Can you two kids already?" Mac says walking up to them all. Pierce looks at Ein, then putting his hand on the back of eins head, pushing him into a kiss. Pierce slides his tounge into eins mouth. They make out for a minute in front of the girls, Kim was watching from a distance with her book in hand. Noi walks up as Ein and pierce pull away. "I heard the news!" Noi says "congratulations" Noi smiles at the two blue boys. Ein smiles back, so does pierce.

"Hey, you guys wanna pick flowers?" Mac asks. "Why?" Ein replies. "It's a good way to pass the time I guess!" Mac finishes as they all walk through the purple forest, past the river to the meadow. "I love this place" Aphmau comments. "It really is a beauty" pierce replies as Ein runs over to a blue flower, blue like pierce. "Hey look! The flower looks like pierce!"  Ein says as pierce walks over and bends down. "I guess..." pierce replies "but that one looks like you" pierce says pointing to another flower, blue like ein. "Love birds~" KC says "it's so cute to watch them like this!" Kate replies watching the two blue boys. "Yeah" aphmau looks down at a red flower, a poppy. "I'm gonna bring this flower to Aaron" Aphmau says  bending down, taking the flower. "Bye guys!" Aphmau says "have fun~"

After everyone but Ein and pierce leave. Pierce looks at ein, his eyes sparkling.

I'm sorry I just wanna post and I have bad cramp rn🥲I'm at like 12% I'll make a 13/half special since it's short for a special! If you have any requests for the special then your free to ask, EinXPierce4Life.
467 words💙

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