S1 E9 (part 2) (SPECIAL)

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Pierce crawls over to Ein, pinning him to the ground. "What?" Ein asks "do you want a kiss?" Pierce looks Ein in the eyes. "I wanted to talk about adopting a baby" pierce says. Eins eyes widen a bit, "but, we don't know how to take care of a child let alone a baby" Ein says, Pierce frowns at eins words. "We could learn?" Pierce says. "Okay but when would we get a baby?" Ein asks. Pierce lays on ein, then switching positions with him, Ein on top now. Pierce slides his hands up eins shirt, "maybe after the wedding~" pierce says. Ein kisses Pierce on the lips then pulling away, "maybe" Ein says in a flirty tone. Ein lays on Pierce, in the night. The wind tugs at the two and pierce sighs. "I love you so much." Pierce says closing his eyes. Eins eyes soften. "Oh I love you too..." Ein says, slowly closing his eyes. Ein falls asleep on pierce. Pierce wraps his arms around eins body, then falling asleep.

I hope that was good enough! Also to tell you how specials work, I do specials for anyone who is kind, supports me, and loves what I write. I do specials randomly💙
205 words💙💙💙💙

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