S2 E1

218 11 1

No one's POV

Ein walked out of his blue house, stretching his arms high as the morning sun glimmered. "Yaaaaawn" he yawned as his best friend Pierce came over, waving his hand up high with a wide smile across his face. "Hey dude, what's up?" He asks Ein. "Not much, wanna prank Aphmau?" Ein replies, an evil grin on his face as he takes some TNT out. "We always prank, how about we chill today?" Pierce asks Ein, Ein rolls his eyes and scoffs. "Whatever...fine we can 'chill'" Ein then tosses the TNT and puts his hands in his jacket pockets. Pierce walks over side by side to Ein and takes his hand. "Cmon, let's watch a movie at my place." Ein blushes slightly at Pierces touch, freezing. He shakes his head and regains his thoughts, "y-yeah let's go!" he stammers, speeding up his walking making Pierce go "w-woah!" they walk to Pierces house, and climb up the ladder to his door. "not a lot of space up here, is there..." Ein complains, standing real close to Pierce, his hands up on Pierces chest in attempt to not bump their heads closer. "heh, yeah, sorry about that." Pierce says, giving a close eyed sheepish smile. Ein darts his eyes away, blushing a bit. "you okay? you're kinda red.." Pierce says, concerned. "oh-- yeah im fine.." Ein replies cooly, forgeting his emotions as Pierce unlocks the door into the house.

Pierce switches the light switch and the lights flicker on. "is something wrong with the eletric?" Ein asks, confused. Pierce nods "yeah i suppose so, its been doing that for awhile now..." They walk to the couch and TV. "what should we watch?" Pierce asks, picking up the remote. "hm, what about a horror movie?" Ein snickers. Pierce winces, "oh come on, why a horror movie?" Pierce groans. "you know i hate horror movies!" Pierce complains. "i know~" Ein replies, "what are you, chicken?" Ein gets up in Pierces face, managing to not get flustered. "come onnn it'll be fun!" Ein tries to persuade Pierce. Pierce gently shoves Ein off, rolling his eyes. "Fine." Ein whispers an excited yes, shoving a fist into the air, making Pierce chuckle a bit. They start to look for a horror movie to watch, switching through shows they finally find one. Pierce clicks on it and they watch, the lights still on.

Half way into the movie, the scary jumpscares come on and the lights flicker off. "AHHH!" Ein screams, jumping into pierces lap and hugging him tightly. "aah ein!" Pierce says, blushing. Ein looks Pierce in the eyes, flustered when he realizes that hes sitting on his lap, still hugging around his neck as Pierce holds Eins waist. "o-oh! sorry" Ein stammers, about to get off, but Pierce holds on tighter. "no-no its fine i like it this way..." Pierce looks away, blushing more. Ein blushes at Pierces answer, but obeys and stays on Pierces lap, hugging him around the neck as Pierce held Eins waist, securly as if he was afriad to loose him. They finish the movie, Pierce looks at Ein. "are you awake?" he moves his hand up Eins body, resting it on Eins chin. He tilts Eins face up to his, seeing Ein peacefully dreaming. Ein stirrs a bit, groaning softly as he burries his face into Pierces chest. Pierce sighs smiling, and holds Eins waist once again.

Should the next episode be a truth or dare episode? i'm open to ideas!

Stay colorful🧡

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