S2 E4

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"Do you need me to help you walk?" Pierce asks, looking at me with concern as he holds me close. Does pierce like me? If he does then do I? Ugh! Feelings are so hard. If pierce liked me...well I mean I guess I would reject him? I don't know! I jolt back to reality as I realize we did IT in Aphmaus house. WHAT IF SHE HAS CAMERAS??!! Shit, crap, fuck, AGGGHHHHHh!!!!! Pierce shakes me, trying to get my attention. "Bud?!" He cries, I look down. He places his hand on my chin and tilts my head upwards. I look into his eyes, starting to realize how pretty they are... there so blue. So perfect. It's like I'm drowning in them. I need to stop! Ugh, I'm just not thinking straight today. "Sorry, Pierce..." I murmur. Ugh, I'm so awkward now that he fucked me. He doesn't even know he fucked me! What the hell! "It's okay." Pierce reassures, walking out of the house with me following behind.

We walk to the hub and see KC, Zane, and Aphmau. "Did you two have fun last night?" Zane asked, unamused. My face flushes in embarrassment. "Shut up!" I shout, flustered. Zane rolls his eye. (Get it? Bc he only shows one eye— okay I'll stop now)
"What do you mean?" Pierce asks, raising an eyebrow in confusion. KC giggles, her feline tail swirling in excitement. "You two got together last night~" she says in her sweet voice, automatically earning all of Zane's attention. "What?..." pierce says, dumbfounded. How can he be so... so slow?! He fucking fucked me— how's he not remember?! I feel my face heat up as I remember what happened last night. Maybe Kitty can give me some advice. (In my world Ein sees Kitty as a friend who can give good advice and not a crush🤗)
I don't know what snapped in me but I suddenly ran. I could hear Pierce yell after me, but I didn't stop. I just needed some comfort— this was all to much for my brain to handle. I run to Kittys house, knocking on her door urgently. kitty opens the door, looking at me with wide eyes. "Yes Ein?" She asks. "I need some advice!" I ask desperately. Kitty invites me in, we go sit on her couch. "So, what happened?" She asks with anticipation. I sigh. "Pierce drank a love potion and we sort of did it last night. I might have a crush on him aswell..." I say, looking down nervously. What if she reacted bad? Shit! Maybe I shouldn't have told her— ahhhh!! I look up at her, wincing. I expect a bad reaction, but Kittys eyes  shine with joy. "You have a crush?!!"

Looks like Kittys gonna be Eins Wing-girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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