Chapter 5: Sheep

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chapter 5: Sheep

After being beat by Draco a billion times at Wizard Chess, I decided to call a quits. Draco wasn't too happy about that.

I later taught him how to play hopscotch and tic-tac-toe. He didn't really like them.

We were trying to decide what to play next when Snape came up the stairs into the room,

"Time to go, Madison." He said plainly

"I thought I was gonna get to stay?" I didn't really but I wanted to.

"Who put that idea in your head? Let's go." He said more sternly

I obeyed scared of what might happen if i don't.
"Goodbye, Draco." I said sadly

We arrived back at my small home.

My (evil) mother opened the door, she looked at me then Snape angrily.

"Its late! You said you wouldn't be long!" She said now looking at Snape directly in the eyes.

"I am sorry miss, but we took a bit longer than i expected." He said

"Yeah! Well I don't care!" She said getting louder,"Go to your room!" She was now looking at me, and I could tell if i didn't listen things wouldn't be good.

I ran up the stairs and up the ladder as fast as I could to the attic.
I didn't really want to see anyone.
I was surprised when I got to my room, a black kitten was sitting on my bed with a note tied to its neck.

The note read:

Hey Madison,
its Draco,
I got you this cat. I hope you like cats. You can bring her to Hogwarts! They allow cats and owls and toads and rats! Isn't that cool! Well anyway, see you in a week! Bye!

I smiled as i read it.

I looked at the small black fur ball laying sound asleep on my green sheets.

It took me a while to think of a name, then in came to me.

Ill name her, sheep.

I don't really think it made sense, but I liked it, it shows that no matter how dark you are you can be as pure as snow.

Hmm, good one madison, you sound wise.

A week past, I leave for Malfoy Manor soon, when Snape picks me up.

He said we would stay there over night then they would take me along with Draco to the Hogwarts Express.

I couldn't wait!

As I was eating lunch i heard a loud POP! and next to me stood the tall greasy hairs man,

Severus Snape.

Wow, two updates in two day! Enjoy!

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